Blog Archive

Monday, May 3, 2010

We're going home tomorrow and NOW you start projectile vomiting?

Emma is playing a mean, mean trick on us - we're going home tomorrow (yay!), but today she's started projectile spitting up during feedings. Our daughter does NOT spit up, ever. We've only personally fed her 3 times today, and she spit up big time for two of them. Spit up sounds so mild...violent, projectile, coming-out-her-nose spitting is more like it. I had to go home and change clothes! We're keeping our fingers crossed that this is just a fluke, but we also think we've pinpointed a few things that may have something to do with it.

First thing tomorrow morning, Russell and I will be trained on the breathing monitor that we have to bring home with us. Since Emma is sleeping on her tummy for a while, she has to be on a breathing monitor that apparently will wake the dead if she stops breathing. Honestly, I'm just as nervous about putting her on her back to sleep because she's not very comfortable on her back...but I know we'll get there eventually. The wound nurse came by and is very pleased with Emma's wound. We are to keep dressing it twice a day the way we always have until it is completely healed. We'll have pediatric home health nurses come out to see her 3 times a week beginning this Wednesday to make sure everything's ok with the wound and her shunt. Emma got the ok to ride in her car seat without any adaptations from Dr. Troup and the wound care nurse, too. She'll have lots of doctors visits coming up in the next couple of weeks, so it's nice to know that it will be easy to transport her. The physical therapist is going to set her up with some therapy appointments here in Greenville, too. She's going to be a very busy baby! Let's see, what else...she passed her hearing test today...and she weighs 10 pounds, 9 ounces for her last weigh-in at the hospital.

I'm so sad to leave tonight's nurse, Judie. I just love her. And we don't even know who our nurse will be tomorrow...which is unfortunate, considering we'll spend a good part of the day with her during the discharge procedures. All our primaries are off on the day she leaves :( So many of the nurses are sad that Emma is leaving. A lot of them have really taken her on as one of their own. I'm sad, too, to an extent - I feel like a few of them have become our family...I mean, they've been taking care of our daughter during one of, if not THE, most fragile times in her life. What a blessing some of them have been. We're also so blessed to have all of you praying for us. I can just feel that God loves our baby girl so much. I've prayed with her during the day when it's just been the two of us - what an incredible thing to pray aloud to our God and watch my daughter's eyes wander around as I speak to the God who loves her. I have been praying Psalm 91 over this child for months and months...and oh, how delightful it was to read that Psalm aloud to her, face to face. Now I'll probably be reading it aloud to her at all hours of the night! That's ok - God doesn't fall asleep on us.

Emma has been so good today, and she's had some good, quality awake time. We're pretty sure that she'll sleep great tonight, sleep like an angel tomorrow, and be up all night tomorrow night for her first night at home. Isn't that usually how it works?


  1. God is so good and he is still blessing Emma and all of you with his healing hands. What a great feeling to know that you can take your baby home. I'm sure you are a little scared of being at home with her, but I'm sure all will be fine and glad that you will have those home health care nurses three times a week to make sure all is well.

    Please don't stop the blogs, you may be too busy to post daily, but please keep all of us informed on how it is at home.

    My prayers are with all of you and God bless.

  2. Unfortunately, that was exactly how it was with Wells! I pray you will have a much better first night home than we did. I am sure in this case it will be a blessing that Emma is a little bit older. Praying for you today!

  3. First of all congratulations! Holly just left me a message that Emma is home. I am a little behind on my blog reading...we are on vacation!
    I will say that when my girls came home from the hospital, they followed their schedules the nurses had set up perfectly. Hope it stays the same for you!
    Baby at home. Praise the Lord!
