Blog Archive

Sunday, May 2, 2010

No energy for much more than this

I'm exhausted. It's late. It's been a good day with Emma, but I'm just tired. So I'll catch up on things tomorrow. But I do have to leave you with this:

Emma got her first full shampoo today after her PICC line came out. Dawn was holding Emma in this amazing towel-swaddled, sideways, under-arm, propped-on-her-hip position to wash her hair. We were AMAZED at how she did this. Anyway, Emma was completely flabbergasted by what was going on - being swaddled for the first time ever, having a complete shampoo and water on her head for the first time ever, and being on her back yet suspended in the air. She looked over at me with these huge eyes like, "Mom. What the HECK is going on here?!" Luckily I got a great picture of that expression! Under those heat lamps, her hair really does look strawberry blonde...

1 comment:

  1. She is just precious. Thanks so much for sharing her with us. We look forward to hearing about her and seeing the pics.
    Judy F
