Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We did it!

Of course we did it.  Things in life are hard, but you just DO them.  Sometimes you don’t know how you did them, but you just did.  I have found that some things are harder than you think they’ll be.  But most aren’t.

Like sleep-depriving a 14-month-old baby by keeping her up until midnight (this deserves another WE DID IT!), waking her up at 7, getting her to the hospital at 9:30, waiting for an hour and a half in various waiting rooms with her, wrapping her in a bedsheet straightjacket while cleaning 25 spots on her head, affixing electrodes to said spots, and finally letting her sleep for a mere 30 minutes at 11:30 am.  It sounds awful, but in all actuality, it really wasn’t THAT bad…because Baby Emma is a little angel. 
I can’t imagine a more well-behaved baby.  My mother has told me on several occasions that maybe we shouldn’t have another child because they don’t get any more well-behaved than this.  It would be all downhill.  After Monday morning’s EEG, I believe it.  Emma was a doll, and we got such great smiles out of her while we waited at the hospital and even after her 30 minute nap during the EEG (and you don’t have to be a genius to figure out that 30 minutes isn’t enough restorative sleep for an exhausted baby).
In order to keep the electrodes on Emma’s head, they put some goop on her head.  The tech said it has the consistency of shortening, but it felt more like homemade icing – greasy, grainy, sugar basically.  And here’s the end result:

Emma smiled and talked the whole way home, even though she was still exhausted.

We’ll get the results in the next couple of weeks, I would imagine, although I’m not that worried about it.  As I’ve mentioned before, the purpose of the EEG was just to rule out seizures as the cause of Emma’s left leg and foot twitches.  I looked at the readings whenever her foot twitched, and nothing really changed.  You know, with all my EEG-reading experience, I’m sure it’s fine.  (coughsarcasmcough)
Sunday night Emma had a good time dismantling the Sunday sale papers, as she always does.  But this time, there was the extra fun of pitching them over the side of the stander. (Note: some of you may find this video slightly boring.  Some parts are funny…I hope some of you appreciate it.  Just warning you.)
Let’s not forget to take a look at last year’s goings-ons:
May 20, 2010

May 22, 2010
May 24, 2010

1 comment:

  1. I loved the video and am so glad everything went well with the EEG! She is an angel!
