Sunday, May 1, 2011

A little farther each day

Here's a quick video of Emma's recent army crawling success.  She's getting a little better at it every day.  She gets kinda whiny and annoyed after covering ground but still not reaching her target, whatever that may be.

We took Emma back to church this morning, and I left her crying.  I'm not sure how long she cried, but they eventually got her calmed down by strolling her outside.  Then she would cry when they attempted to bring her INside.  She finally took a nap for about 45 minutes outside in the stroller.  So I guess you could say that she did better than last week, but not a whole lot.

Emma and Daddy are taking a nap together right now, and I'd love to join them.  I'm actually getting sleepy just sitting here typing.  Sweet Baby Emma awoke at 6:30 this morning jabbering from the moment her little eyes opened.  But, alas, no nap for me - there are groceries to buy and errands to run.  Thankfully, we have supper club tonight with 2 other couples in our Sunday School class - always a good time.

And on this date in 2010


  1. That was wonderful. Thank you for posting this. She is totally amazing. Such determination. She will get used to staying in the nursery with repetition. Chris (my nephew) still cries when I leave him, but it is getting better. Everybody is absolutely loving her down with us. Such a treat :-) Joyce

  2. Thanks for sharing that video with us. Emma is amazing and she did so good and with her determination she will get better.

    You go Emma!!

  3. Yay Emma! This reminds me of how Amie learned to get around! So sweet. You guys stay in my daily prayers!

  4. She is one AMAZING and CUTE little girl. She was precious inb her Sunday dress! Love you all!!! HOlly

  5. Well done Emma that was brilliant xx

  6. Emma was so precious rolling and army crawling around... such a mover! I can't wait to keep watching to see what that determined little girl will do next!
