Friday, May 13, 2011

Deep breath, much better

So I've been pretty stressed out this week, and I can't really say that anything is better right at the moment.  But I've felt a little bit more peace over my heart.  I can partially attribute it to checking things off my to-do list, but mainly on the blessings in my life - a loving, devoted, and hard-working husband, a sweet, darling, beautiful little girl, and friends and family who care for us so much and make me laugh and smile every day.

Emma is getting SO GOOD at army crawling.  She has figured out when there's something across the room that she wants, she can roll for fast action.  Once she gets close to the object/person, she stops rolling and army crawls the rest of the short distance in the specific distance she needs to go.

As you've probably figured out, Emma is delayed in most areas of development.  I'm going to go ahead and say all areas.  For various reasons.  She is babbling a lot, but I can't really say that she has said her first word.  I think Russell and my mom have kidded themselves that Emma has said some meaningful words, but I seriously doubt it.  Mom tells me quite often that Emma has said new words.  The best was when Emma apparently said chicken like, 2 months ago.  Really?  Chicken?  Anyway, I digress.....Emma repeats our words, but I don't think any specific words have meaning yet.  Until yesterday!  I'm pretty sure that "bye" is her first word.  What that means to me is that she will be a mover, an achiever, an advancer, always looking ahead and saying goodbye to her past accomplishments.  She's already pretty independent (when she's awake and alert...asleep and sleepy are two different stories).  In the car with her, she doesn't allow you to have your elbow leaning on her car seat, nor does she want you holding her hand.  

I really want Emma to be a water baby, and I think we're on our way!  She doesn't mind water in her eyes, and tonight she figured out how to splash a whole lot in the tub, as opposed to just kind of touching and feeling the water.

Here's the difficult blog from this time last year:  May 12, 2010

I'll leave you with this sweet picture of Emma enjoying the beautiful spring weather on my parents' porch in her birthday clothes from the Ricketts.

1 comment:

  1. I believe she was saying "Daddy" :-) She is absolutely the sweetest little girl!! Love me some Emma, Joyce
