Thursday, June 13, 2013

Great description of her personality

So my sister sent me this email, and she characterized Emma's personality so well, even though it was in a dream:

I nearly forgot to tell you - 2 or 3 nights ago I dreamed you were pregnant. Everything was perfectly ordinary and you had a boy. The only weird thing is that Emma named him something different from the name you had picked, and refused to call him by his real name (she was awesome and adored him, but had just decided on a different name). And everyone started calling him by that name talking to her, and it finally ended up being his name. And, of course, I can't remember what she called him. But every time someone used the "wrong" name, she'd correct them vehemently. He was...something with an M. William? Maxim? I can't dredge that up. But it was like she knew him already, and that was his name. You guys were just mistaken.

Dreams are weird, but that one struck me as so funny because Miss Emma was just so politely insistent about his name til it became true.

This is Emma to a T.  She is politely insistent.  She decides things.  And she is so sure that she is correct and everyone else is wrong, but not in a whiny, yelling, bratty a you-must-be-thinking-about-something-else-because-I-am-certain-of-this-point-I'm-making-and-I'm-smiling-at-you-because-it's-funny-you-think-I'm-wrong kind of way.  And then she's so cute about it, that you just go along with it and agree because there's no harm anyway.  I'm not so sure I'd give in to her renaming a child, though...

1 comment:

  1. Well I think that depends on the name! She might come up with an awesome one, or a great nickname.

    I believe your own sister nicknamed you, and vice versa ;)

