Saturday, June 8, 2013

Getting around to it

Ok, so maybe our trip to NYC doesn't appear to have much to do with the title of this blog (Life With Sweet Baby Emma), but these trips that Russell and I take actually do have a lot to do with her.  Not only are they respites from the rush of parenthood, but as I posted before, they are eye-opening as to the difficulties as well as accommodations for handicapped adults.  They also make me quite thankful for the amazing city in which we live.

But on to another amazing city...shots from our trip to New York.  And let me just say, I will never go back in the wintertime.  Springtime was wonderful.  Well...mostly...when we got there, this is how the city looked...cold and rainy:

But that all changed:

Most of those pictures are from Central Park on the prettiest day we were in the city.  I was so tired of going to New York and it being too cold to really explore the park.  And I finally got to see this homage to John Lennon.  It was much smaller than I expected it to be.

I've always appreciated beautiful architecture...not enough to study it, but certainly enough to stare at it for a really long time.  Long enough to embarrass people around me (ahem, Russell).  This time, I stared as long as I wanted and even took embarrassing touristy pictures.  BUT LET'S BE CLEAR.  I did NOT stand in the middle of the sidewalk or suddenly come to a screeching halt and make people trip over me.  That drives me crazy.

And then there was the walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.  I mean, WOW.  Wow.

We also went to the Met, which was totally my idea.  Russell tolerated me very well during this trip.  I got to see some of my favorite artists and paintings, and I took pictures, which I won't bore you with.

So that's the boring stuff that I thought was fun.  But here are random fun things that most of you would actually enjoy.  We went to a restaurant called Brother Jimmy's BBQ, and they cater to ACC teams/fans.  They shout out South Carolina on their menu, too...see the Palmetto Punch, Carolina Cooler, The Charleston A.P., Myrtle Beach Margarita, AND the Grand Strand Margarita?!

The Friends apartment building:

Braves/Mets game at Citi Field:

Eating outside in Little Italy (love, love, love it), we were told by our waiter that we were sitting next to the window at which The Godfather was gunned down in reality.  I know we're tourists with southern accents AND I'm blonde, but come on.  No one is that stupid.

Subway dancers...I wanted to watch them everywhere.  I got a pretty decent video of some of them...the guy in black at the end of the video was the really good one, but Russell made me leave before I could get a good video.  I guess I was embarrassing him again.  Ha.

We also went to a bar/club called Spin.  There are a few of them around the country, and they focus on ping pong.  Ping pong is one of those up-and-coming activities that used to be dorky but is rapidly gaining in popularity, kind of like dodgeball and Bingo.  I've got a video of two of the guys in the Friday night tournament, and we were also there for a game they played with anyone in the bar who wanted to play.  It was so much fun, and I will definitely be going back there.  First, the tournament:

The game:

Just a very, very cool  place.

Ok, that's enough for now...but more to come.  We crammed a lot into four days!

1 comment:

  1. Remember how we walked and walked forever to find the Friends apartment building but never could? And this time, you see it AND the piano bar! Jealous! So glad you had a great time. xoxoxo
