Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today is Emma's first birthday and what an amazing day it has been.  I am so, so sad that it's over.  I'm not really sure why, but I'm just very sad.  But we will continue to celebrate Emma's life - a day is just a day.

I'm not going to post pictures from the sleep study Monday night, and I'm not even going to tell you about the relatively positive phone call I received from Dr. Gault today (I have to keep you coming back for more).  Today was not about the doctors.  It was about Emma.

Emma had a great day today. I'm still exhausted from lack of sleep Monday night, so I'll keep the words short and pictures sweet.  We took Emma out to lunch and also out to dinner.  She loves cupcakes. 

First pics of Emma on her first birthday:

Birthday lunch with the girls:

(Look at that ringlet curl on the left side of her head.  Where does this curl come from??)

Get me to the food!!

Mmmmm...those cupcakes sure look good...

Now, Emma, it's not nice to point and laugh at Nan. 

Unrelated to her birthday, Emma's latest trick is for you to say touchdown, and she does this:

Ok, back to the birthday shots.  Dinner with Aunt Ally, Mason, Mommy, Daddy, and Nan:

Trying to take pictures with a 3- and 1-year-old...what do you expect?



Emma's cousin, Mason, is just the sweetest boy, and as you can see, he really loves Baby Emma.  Not Emma, mind you.  BABY Emma.  That's her name.  So Mason was telling us tonight a story about firemen, and I asked if Baby Emma could be a fireman one day...or firewoman.  Mason's response was that she would be a Fire Baby Emma.  "A Fire Baby Emma?" I asked.  "Yes," Mason said.  "A Fire Baby Emma."  He was certain this was an occupation.

All in all, a great day for my precious girl.  Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes and prayers.

Here's the blog entry from one year ago:


  1. What a precious smile to wake up to! I am so glad all of you had a great day! It is so hard to believe she is one year old. LOve you all!!!!!Holly

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to Miss Emma! Her pictures always make me smile. She is such a cutie pie!

  3. What NO pictures of cupcake all over her face?! These pictures made Dan and I smile and tear up at the same time because of the blessing she is to so many people. She is truly a very loved little girl! Love you guys! Joyce
