Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I'm sleep-deprived, sad, and not very hopeful.  There, it's all out there.  So there's the tone of this blog entry.  Sorry, but it is what it is.

About last night's sleep study: After the first one showed that she has central sleep apnea (controlled by the brain), Dr. Gault immediately wanted Emma in another sleep study to figure out what particular CPAP mask and what pressure settings, etc. would be the best.  That was last night, and it was one of the worst nights of our lives.  When Emma chokes, it's heartbreaking, but for her - that's normal.  She even smiles at us sometimes in the middle of it.  But last night, she screamed for the majority of the night.  I can't even tell you how pitiful and gut-wrenching it was.  She had a nasal canula shoved up her nose, with a mask strapped to her face.  The mask was blowing puffs of air in her nose.  She just hated it; she was miserable and pitiful.  Unfortunately, when she DID sleep, she breathed through her mouth, which is the opposite of what we want becasuse the mask only goes over her nose.  We couldn't put the binky in her mouth to force her to breathe through her nose (and she REALLY wanted it because it's comforting to her) because she couldn't close her mouth around it because the bottom of the mask got in the way (run-on sentence, I know).  We cut the binky as much as we possibly could, but it still didn't work.  So then she got congested because she was crying so much.  We could hear the tech puffing the air via the computer to try to establish a rhythm for Emma, but then Emma would just inhale through her mouth on her own rhythm (or lack thereof).  Basically last night was pointless, except to show us that the mask didn't work at all.  The only other alternative (I think) at this point is to put a chin strap on her so that her mouth is forced shut, and then she HAS to breathe through her nose.  And it completely shatters me to think that we're going to have to basically force her mouth shut.  I have no idea what happens next.  I've done my job.  Someone will get in touch with us sometime.  We have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Gault on March 31, but I feel like something will happen before then.

I have pictures, but I just don't have it in me right now to upload and post them. Later.

Emma also had a CT at 10:00 this morning, as if I didn't spend enough time at the hospital last night.  She was a real trooper today; actually, not a trooper - a real delight.  She took a couple long naps, and my mom and I ran errands while she slept in the car for 2 hours.  It really was great to spend some time with my mom and Emma.  If I had sat behind my desk today, I'd probably still be facedown on it.  But I drank approximately one gallon of coffee and stayed busy.  That's how I survived today - my mom, my daughter, and my coffee.

I know God hasn't forsaken us and that He's still here, but sometimes I just wish He felt a little more present.  Like maybe not allowing this relatively "safe" birth defect to snowball into something life-threatening.  All you moms out there with healthy children, please hug them and thank God that they can swallow and breathe.  I'd give anything for that right now.  Be thankful for what you have.  I know that some kids with spina bifida are worse off than Emma.  And I am thankful that she breathes well when she's awake, that she has rolled across the den from me in the last two minutes, and that she has been saying, "Mamamamamamamamamamamama" all day.


  1. So sorry about your yucky hight. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

    So great that you have your mom there to assist and support. Such a sweet lady.

    Happy Birthday Emma!!

  2. As an adult who had to get use to sleeping with a CPAP machine, I can be sympathic with you. It's really a scary experience and as an adult I could not tolerate the face mask over my nose and mouth. I changed to the nose pillow and have a chin strap to keep my mouth shut because when asleep I breathe thru my mouth and that has worked well with me. The strap helps to keep the mouth closed.

    The first sleep study that I had was horrible, I just could not get comfortable with all the strapes they have around you and all the wires you are hooked up to plus the mask over your nose and mouth. I think that I slept a total of 4 hours that night. Second study was a little better. So even though Emma cried a lot and I know it was very upsetting, but she is a little trooper for someone that had to undergo a sleep study at such a young age. Hats off to Emma!!! It was very upsetting to me and I was very nervous and I know what Emma went through.

    Ask about nose pillow or maybe that is what you were speaking about when you said they would try that with a chin strap.
    I will pray that God will bless all of you and that He will give Emma the courage she needs to get use to sleeping with a CPAP machine.


  4. Always those little blessings when we're going through difficult experiences. That is a God thing that I am always grateful for. Sorry about your day. Hope Emma has a good night and a good birthday. It's hard to believe she is one!!! - Marcia

  5. Oh Mary Beth, My heart breaks for all that your precious little girl is going thru, and you and Russell as you have to watch her endure this. I know God is present in all of this, even if we do not understand. I pray He takes some off of your plate instead of adding to it!
    Please give Emma a Happy Birthday hug from me. SHe is so special and I have such a love for her! Try to enjoy every precious smile from her, she has touched so many people! I pray for all of you daily. Love Holly
