Saturday, October 6, 2012

Two-year-old Tiger

Emma has attended a few Tiger tailgates this year, and I have some great footage from the Furman game a few weeks ago.  Yes, I wore a Furman t-shirt and genuinely pulled for the Paladins, as did Magee, who actually graduated from Appalachian State but is attending Furman for grad school.  For an App State grad to actually put on a Furman shirt....well, this is just unheard of.  But Furman just gets to you that way.  What a great place.  I'd go back.  And I will, in a way, when Emma goes there.  Of course, I don't have actually any pictures of me IN my Furman shirt, but I promise I wore one.  I choose to believe that Russell wore a purple Clemson shirt to the Furman game for one of two reasons: (1) He secretly wishes he had gone to Furman or (2) He was being sweet to his wife and was passively supporting my alma mater.  Why else would you wear a PURPLE shirt to the Furman game?  Duh.

This particular tailgate was like Christmas for Emma: a cute new monogrammed bag and shirt, pompoms, and megaphone from one of Granddaddy's co-workers and our items from Kelly's Kids that Mama Jane ordered.  I love that there's a roll of toilet paper in this picture.  You just never know.

Now take a look at all these beautiful ladies:

Notice the Dorito in Emma's hand below.  She now says, "I need chips."  Need.  She NEEDS a lot of things these days, and chips were the first things she ever said she needed.  Doesn't matter what kind - tortillas, doritos, whatever.

And what would a tailgate (or any family gathering really) be without Russell hamming it up?

Ah yes, the Young twins.  Now which one looks old enough to be a high school principal?  Neither?  You would be correct.


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