Monday, October 29, 2012

It's not even here yet...

...but we've celebrated Halloween on several occasions already.  Emma now knows what to say when you knock on someone's door, and she knows what they give you in return.  She knows how to answer when you ask her what she is for Halloween: "Doroffey."

Here are some sweet shots of Doroffey at a carnival at a friend's house and at a Susan Brewer Photography Halloween session. 

I swear I didn't curl her hair.  This is all natural.

Bowling...where's it gonna go....

It knocked down pins!!!  (I have no idea how many - who cares when you see an ecstatic face like this?)

The stink eye.
Our goddaughter, Elsie: the cutest racoon on the planet.  Not to mention one of the cutest babies I've ever seen, period.  For reals.

Arts and crafts time!

More Halloween fun to follow...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful "Doroffey" she is!!! What a great costume for such a cute little girl! Love it. =)
