Sunday, April 10, 2011

I (heart) weekends again

Our Sunday School picnic yesterday was delightful.  A little warm in the sun and a little annoying when some people were trying to take over our picnic shelter after we paid $100 for it and THEY KNEW IT....but still a great time.  We were so happy to see our friends Phil and Emily's newborn baby girl, Anna Claire.  She was only...

Pause in the blog.........Russell just sang a song to Emma about how many diapers he had changed compared to me today.  So I stopped and said, Ok, YOU come type the blog, and I'LL change the diaper.  At which point, he started laughing like a 5-year-old and covered Emma with his body so that he wouldn't have to type the blog.........I'm telling you, if he had to type this blog, Blogspot would probably remove it for lack of posting and lack of interest........anyway........

...11 days old!!!  Can you believe they were able to get it together enough to bring her?  I was so impressed.  And Emily looks amazing.  Seeing a skinny lady 11 days after birthing a baby sure lights a fire under me to lose MY baby weight!

"Tiger Woods haaaaaaaaas just finished a beer....because heeeee was just eliminated."

"Jason Daaay-ayy was eliminated.  Even though he's from Austraaaalia, he married a girl from Ohio.  Becaaaauuuuuse he's good at golf, he haaaaas a hot wife."

"Charl Swarandkj;ansfoi;dna;  neeeeeeeds to make a par.  IIIIIIIIIII hope he hiiiiiits it right in the bunker."

These are direct quotes from the song Russell is singing to Emma right now while watching the Masters.  I'm cooking and blogging while my two children are playing.  I (heart) weekends.

Oh, Emma has done really well sleeping with her mask at night.  Last night, she only screamed for about 5 minutes when we put the mask on.  Then she slept THROUGH.  THE.  NIGHT. 

I think my blog is trying to tell me that I'm up too late.  I may start the blog earlier in the day, but if I don't post it until after midnight, it dates the next day.  So what looks like Saturday's entry was actually Friday's.  Here is the link to April 9, 2010.
And on this day last year: April 10, 2010


  1. Hi, I'm christine. I found your blog when I was checking the stats of my own blog and saw that you had visited. I was curious how you stumbled on mine, so I read a little about your life. and then some more- an hour later, my husband is like "Ok, honey are you ever going to bed?"
    I said, "Oh, I just want to hug this woman and her little girl Emma."
    You are a precious family. I'm glad I stumbled on your blog.

  2. MB - what a great post!! Our picnic was fantastic & I wish I could have heard all of Russell's songs in person. (We were watching the Masters too, so I know exactly what he was singing about). Love it & love y'all, and of course, that precious little Emma!!
