Sunday, February 13, 2011

New things in Emma's life

First of all, the AFO's:

I was a little disappointed with the "dalmation" print - I thought it would look more like a print/pattern, rather than some middle schooler bored during class with a black Sharpie.  It also looks like a cow print - very appropriate on Emma's fat legs.  Her feet are strapped in there in a very specific way to keep one of them in particular bent in the proper position.

Emma concentrates very hard these days, which requires sticking out her tongue.  And ripping off those glasses...let's just say we've reached a whole new level of difficulty keeping them on her.

Our brand new big girl carseat!  Yay!  When we turn her facing forward in a few short months, I hope she'll enjoy that even more.  In the late afternoons when I'm bringing her home, she's very whiny and tired, so hopefully a view of the road and where exactly we're going will help.

Big girl high chair!  She loves it.  As do we.  That little sideways glance is so precious when it's directed at you that it's hard to be upset that she probably just ripped off her glasses...AGAIN.

Look at those fat chins and cheeks.  Emma's, not Russell's.  For some reason she looks so much chubbier in pictures.  I think, too, that when she smiles, she pushes her chin down.  Doesn't matter, she's still beautiful to me.

OH GOSH!  Almost forgot the biggest news of all!  Tooth number 3 has finally made its appearance.  Basically.  There's no, "Oh, look, it's almost here...any day now...I think I can see it..."  One little part of the ridge of her right front top tooth has come in fully, and you can clearly see the rest of the ridge waiting to pop right through...probably tomorrow.  Which leads me to something I'm kinda stressed about...Emma is not covered under my dental insurance or Russell's.  I basically should have signed her up for it within the first 30 days that she was born, just like her medical insurance.  We have alternating years of open enrollment in October, and this past October was....well, closed enrollment.  My bad, I thought I could enroll her then!  So now I can't add Emma until next October, and I'm starting to feel like a bad mom wondering if I should wait that long to take her to the dentist.  She's not eating table food like most kids, and we brush her two little teeth every day.  But on the other hand, can I honestly wait until my child is 19 months old to take her to the dentist?!


  1. MB: My girls didn't go to the dentist until they were two or three and then it was all about getting used to the dentist. They counted their teeth, brushed them and gave them a bunch of prizes. My girls cried the whole time because everyone had to wear those masks over their noses and mouths. So don't sweat it!

  2. It's great to see Emma progressing so well.

    I don't think you should worry about her not going to the dentist yet.

  3. MB,
    The AFO's do not look like a middle schooler drew on them! (LOL) They are really cute. And so is your precious girl. She has the best smile ever! Oddly enough, I just went to the dentist today and asked when Nate should start coming. He said he could come with me to watch the next couple of times but that he wouldn't even clean his teeth until age 4. So, you have plenty of time to get her added to your dental insurance. Hope you guys are all doing great!

  4. If you don't wait until she's at least 19 months old to go to the dentist, you will make me feel like the worst mom ever. Andy has yet to go, and I just talked to Ari about a tooth-related incident, and she (APA-approved, mind you!) said its totally fine.
