Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just as I thought it would be

An overnight sleep study with an 11-month-old child should be a new form of sex education.  I can guarantee you no middle or high school child would have sex if they had to spend the night with an 11-month-old baby with a nasal canula, goop and electrodes in her hair, and tape stuck to her face.

We only slept uninterrupted from about 12:30 am to 6 am.  Emma just kept waking up, and as you can see, it wasn't really an option for me to pick her up and soothe her.  We will get the official results of the study in a few weeks, but I don't think they will be severe.  If Emma was having really serious problems, they would have woken us up and done whatever they needed to to get her sleeping safely.  We left the sleep center at 6:15, and my wonderful husband took Emma right when we got home and bathed her to get the goop out of her hair.

Oh, and it was FREEEEEZING in the room.  The techs were really nice and thought Emma was adorable.  Until she started screaming, I'm sure, but whatever.  I was so sleep-deprived, I didn't care.  Here are some shots of the "lab."

So I made it to work and felt ok, but then proceeded to sleep for 11 hours Friday night.  I would have slept longer than that, but I had to get up and get my nails done :)  Emma slept for 12 and a half hours Friday night.  Delightful.

Let me preface this next portion of the blog with some PT details:  Emma's PT, Melanie, is working really hard on getting Emma to roll over from her back to her front completely unassisted.  Emma's legs are a little hefty, and she doesn't have as much leg control, so it's harder for her to get her legs swung all the way over.  The other thing they're working on is getting Emma to bear weight on her arms in the crawling position for extended periods of time.  So last night I put Emma on our bed while I put on my pj's.  She seemed to be feeling pretty good, so I put her on her hands and knees.  She did a great job staying up on her arms, and then she started rocking - a precursor to crawling!  Yay!  I was happy enough with this development.

When I came home from my morning of pampering this morning, Russell said (rather casually), "Emma's rolled over a few times this morning."  WHAT?!  We immediately put her on the floor on her back, and BAM! Rolled over.  Overnight, Emma figured how to do it, and she does it over and over.  She basically is using her abs to replace some of the leg muscle that other kids use.  She pulls up into a pike (almost a crunch, with straight legs) and then swings her legs to the side and finishes the roll!  If she's feeling energetic, she'll even get into a crawling position.  My mom dropped something off today, and Russell's parents came for dinner tonight, so we all got to celebrate Emma's new development.  She will only roll to one side, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before a naysayer bursts our bubble, but in the meantime, we are thrilled with our precious girl.

Tonight she wanted to use the computer, but it wasn't the screen that fascinated her; it was clicking the keys.  Sorry it's a little fuzzy - a camera phone and a busy girl aren't a great combo.

Oh, last thing - at Emma's check-up on Thursday morning, she weighed 20 lbs, 12 oz and was 28 inches long.  She's a shorty, but her weight is getting down to average. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the rolling! All babies start out only rolling one way so just ignore all the naysayers. She's rolling, that's what counts!!! xo
