Monday, January 10, 2011

Wordless Monday

So it's not exactly wordless per se...other people with blogs have Wordless Wednesday.  Well today is Wordless Monday.  No alliteration, but just go with it.

Can you guess where I took this pic?

Hugging on Holly (that's alliterative!  ok, now I'm just making up words...)  Emma isn't as miserable as she looks - her hat is just creeping down into her eyes, and she was bound too tightly (like the kid in A Christmas Story) to be able to mess with it.

Word to your mom.

Russell's new cooler at the beginning of the snow day...

 Russell's new cooler at the end of the snow day (please notice the big gash in the ice on the right where Russell thought he could walk on it..and promptly fell in it)

And finally - a video of Lola doing the bunny-hop in the snow.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! My favorite is Emma with the hat and the "word to your mom" caption-priceless!
