Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Change of plans

Here I sit, blogging to distract myself from the fussing coming from Emma's room as she tries to nap with the bipap mask on.  If I didn't get busy blogging, I'd either cave in, scoop her up, and snuggle with her, or just fall asleep on the couch myself to the gentle sound of her My First Hymns CD coming through the baby monitor.

So here I sit.  Blogging to let you faithful blog-followers know that Emma does not have an MRI tomorrow as previously scheduled.  Two doctors' appointments to prep for it and two missed therapies, but no MRI.  Sheesh.  Emma is on the downslope of a very minor cold, but that's enough to force Dr. Troup to postpone the MRI to some point in the next 30 days.  Because Emma has to go under general anesthesia and be intubated, she has to be totally, completely healthy.  Aside from the runny nose for the first three hours of the day, Emma has been choking a lot more in the last few days because of all the nasty stuff running down her throat.  I can't imagine forcing even more choking on my daughter by making her little throat sore from the breathing tube :(

I ordered the last of Emma's Christmas gifts today, and I'm excited to see what she thinks of her toys.  We've been encouraged in the last couple of weeks by what we hope is the beginning of a few words.  We have been getting the occasional "bye-bye," and most recently "cake" and "wa-wa" for water.  I was under the impression that you aren't supposed to teach kids baby words like wa-wa, but her speech therapist said that for now, it's more important for her to say a word and associate something with it rather than worry with the absolute correct word.  Fine with me!

Ok, time to answer some emails and wrap some presents.

Maybe I'll nap on the couch after all.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baby It's Cold Inside

As many of you know, Russell and I have faced an onslaught of problems with our new, old house, including natural gas leaks.  Prior to last Wednesday night, we had had three leaks.  On Wednesday night, I walked in and smelled a particularly strong gas odor in the den.  I called the gas company, and...lo and behold....gas leak number four and (drumroll, please) a high carbon monoxide leak.  The gas man turned off the gas to the furnace, and there we were.  And there we left.  We stayed at my parents' house Wednesday night and Thursday night, at the Traywicks' house Friday night, at the Knights' house Saturday night, and back at my parents' on Sunday night.  Gypsies, I tell you.  Gypsies.  Except that we DID have a home to which we returned to unpack and repack.  From Wednesday to Monday, we packed AND unpacked 3 people 5 times.  I do not suggest that you try this.  Especially with a small child.

Big fat THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to my parents, the Traywicks, and the Knights because this is how cold it was in our house over the weekend:

With the heat turned off completely, it got below 50 during the daytime, and who knows how cold at night.  We have a home warranty, so it took a couple days for all that to be worked out, and then we couldn't get our new system until Monday.  We didn't pay extra for the new thermostat, but it's the first one that the company has ever installed like this.  Right now, the screensaver scrolls through nature and American city scenes, but you can put your memory card in the side and have it scroll your family pictures.  Seriously?  I was actually able to catch a shot mid-scroll, and the picture on the bottom shows the home screen.

Being warm and back in her own house must have inspired Emma to make a new L sound that she pretty much said all evening Monday night, Tuesday morning, and Tuesday evening.  It's like she's trying to say lizard as fast as she can and imitate a lizard with her tongue at the same time.  On Tuesday, she entertained various Stein Mart shoppers with this noise.  They would look at her and say, "Ohhhh, look how cute!  Hey darlin'!  How are you?!"  And she would answer like this, only l0 times longer and twice as loud:

Taking a look back at last year, Emma has progressed immensely.  What a different Christmas we are having this year as opposed to last!  Honoring the birth of Christ and the blessing of having Him here on Earth is a little different for me this year.  I don't really know how to explain it.  Last year, I remember thinking that when God blessed us with the birth of His Son, it had to be bittersweet - God knew what horrors His Son would eventually suffer.  Our family also had a much more bleak outlook for our beloved child this time last year.  Her prognosis wasn't all that great, and there was so much uncertainty surrounding her medical needs.  Emma still has a long way to go, but she has also come so far...much farther than any doctor or nurse expected of her.

Emma has another MRI next Wednesday to compare to the MRI from June.  We won't know until January what the results show.  Best case scenario, Emma's Chiari malformation has lessened in severity on its own, and the large spinal-fluid-filled syrinx (cyst) along her spinal cord has drained itself.  This is all very unlikely, but please pray for that outcome.  Isn't it funny how we suddenly pray for results of medical tests to tell us positive news, when a condition or problem has actually been a certain way long before we started praying for results to tell us about it?  Anyway, back on track....worst case scenario is that Emma's Chiari malformation has caused her brain stem to drop lower than her fourth vertebrae in her neck (where it was in June), and the syrinx has gotten significantly larger in length and width.  They would pretty much schedule an immediate decompression surgery at that point.  Literally, brain surgery.  (Side note: you know how people say, "You don't have to be a brain surgeon to know that blah blah blah blah"?  I'm dying to ask Dr. Troup how he responds if/when people say that to him.  He's kind of a goofball and witty, so I'm sure he has a smart reply.)  Again, back on track.....Emma's decompression will have to happen sometime.  There's no escaping this reality.  Apparently, the older she gets, the better she will be able to recover from the surgery.  Which is a good thing, considering she will probably have to have more than one decompression.  So do we just wish for it to happen in the next few months and get it over with or keep wanting to postpone the inevitable?

So let's take a look back at this time last year:

December 8, 2010

December 8, 2010

December 12, 2010

December 13, 2010

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Emma's latest and greatest toy

Finally, I have a video to show you of Emma's latest, greatest, and favoritest toy!  Perhaps what makes it so totally wonderful is that my father-in-law made it with his own two hands, based simply on watching videos of two other kids who have these contraptions.

Let me make a few points about this video first.  It was shot on a home improvement day at our house...interpret that to mean that the house is a mess, you will hear a drill in the background, and you will hear my in-laws....because no home improvement day is complete with my super-helpful and sweet mother- and father-in-law.  You will also witness a slight temper tantrum that is quickly becoming a several-times-daily-occurrence in our house.  Emma LOVES the video camera because it flips open, but we don't let it her play with it....because, well, it's a video camera.  It's also a little bit nauseating because I had to keep moving things for Emma and help her over the rugs while filming at the same time.  All that to say, if you let her loose with no rugs and no obstacles, Emma LOVES her wheels.

In this next video, Emma displays her awesome new eating skills.  She still has a lot of issues that we have to deal with, but she is eating regular food better and better each day.  And she's enjoying it more and more each day.  She learned pretty quickly how to show us her empty mouth in order to get another bite.  All that banging around in the background is Russell cleaning up from dinner.  Notice that I'm still feeding Emma her dinner while he cleans up; it takes her FOREVER to eat, but we're seeing some improvement here, too!  And poor Lola gets fussed at by all three of us, including Emma.  I'm afraid Emma's first full statement will be, "No, Lola!"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pictures, as promised

Most of these pics are of my darling goddaughter, Elsie.

Emma, entertaining herself while I get ready in the morning:

Emma's beautiful long, blonde, and curly-underneath hair:

And finally, a shot of the ACC Championship trophy being brought over to us on Saturday night in Charlotte:

I will have some videos to post soon, but that's for another night.  Let me get you caught up on how far we've come in the last year:

November 7, 2010

November 8, 2010

November 15, 2010

November 23, 2010

December 3, 2010

Merry Christmas, and good night!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bring on the holidays

Forgive me for the length of time since my last post.  We as humans always seem to find ourselves busy with SOMETHING.  Generally speaking, there's nothing I'd rather be busy with than Thanksgiving and Christmas.  So until I can get it together to post some more pictures, here are some updates:

Emma's been battling a series of bladder infections, and she now is on an antibiotic for a few months to try to get rid of whatever's bothering her once and for all.  We had to do this once before, and it seemed to work, so let's hope the long-term medicine works again.

Emma's Granddaddy (that would be my father-in-law) made her this great little mini-wheelchair out of a Bumbo seat.  Pictures soon to follow, but for now, let me tell you that Emma LOVES it.  She already knows how to maneuver wheels thanks to her mobile stander.  We aren't viewing this new toy as a wheelchair, but more as a tricycle or toy with wheels.  We refuse to give up on Emma's mobility, so this Bumbobile is used as a toy, rather than as a consistent mode of transportation.

In the last couple of weeks Emma has begun to really treasure baby dolls.  She didn't have much interest in them before, but she's warmed up to them.  She's a very affectionate child, always giving "squeeze hugs," offering lots of closed- AND open-mouthed kisses (to anyone, including our dog and my parents' dog), patting backs, and her most recent stunt: scratching backs.  Oh, and she likes to brush your hair.  So all that affection has begun to be channeled into loving on her baby dolls.  So stinkin' cute.

Ok, big news: my goddaughter was born on Friday, November 18!!  She was 8 lbs, 10 oz, and her name is Elsie Anne Sharp.  I love her, and she's awesome.  Pictures to follow.

This weekend Russell and I are going to the ACC Championship game in Charlotte.  I know what you're thinking: what a waste.  The wheels are going to come off the Clemson bus AGAIN.  And you're probably right.  So the Clemson game will just be one of a few things that we're going to do in Charlotte, and we'll pretend that the game isn't the only reason we're going to Charlotte for the weekend.  Emma is staying with Mama Jane and Granddaddy, so she will be spoiled rotten upon our return.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lots to see, little to read

I'm exhausted but have lots of cute pictures of the doodlebug (and a brand spanking new doodlebug) to share.

Actually enjoying church!  Is that a smile...in her Sunday School room?!  Miss Glenna must have the magic touch...

Mason's 4th birthday party:

Hmmm....what to play with next...

Not really caring too much for the slide...Russell seems to be enjoying it, though:


I am absolutely certain that if Emma could talk she would say, "I gotta me one-a these here swings."  She LOVED it.  Do they sell these bucket swings at retail or only to city parks and rec departments?  They're great for trunk support, which is what our little one will probably need for quite a while.

Fish face:

Fast forward..just who is that little girl my daddy is holding?

 Our new niece, Anndie Marie Young!  Born 11/14/11, a whole month early...but still 7lb, 2 oz!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The things I missed

The title of this blog sounds so defeated and upsetting, but it's not - just a reflection on the things I missed during the first three months of Emma's life.  I am reflecting on these things because my dear, sweet Holly is due with our godson/goddaughter in a week.

Can I just say that newborns still freak me out a little?  I never really had a newborn.  I had a baby in a hospital crib for three months.  I'm still nervous about holding a newborn and his or her head just rolling right off.  Also keep in mind that I never had a child with a small head (Emma was born with hydrocephaly), so I don't know how to cradle a newborn baby's head.  I don't know what it's like to have a squirmy newborn.  I don't know how to swaddle a baby.  I don't know how to change a newborn's clothes without snapping off an arm or a leg.  I don't know what it's like to be sleep-deprived: Emma had nurses who fed her every three/four hours around the clock when we were at home sleeping.  I don't know what it's like to not have time to shower between feedings.  I don't know what it's like to nap when my baby does.  So you see, it's not all bad things that I missed.

Now obviously, we went through some things that some parents should never have to deal with.  As I look back, though, the things I missed that I wish I hadn't missed, I will be able to catch up on with my godson/goddaughter, as well as my niece who will be born in December - getting used to holding a newborn, learning how to hold a squirmy (from the waist down) newborn, and changing a newborn's clothes (not just the side-snap shirts that Emma wore).  Holly and Allison, I still can't promise that I will know how to swaddle.  And I will NOT breastfeed your child.  But snuggling, holding, and diapering I can handle.

Oh, that reminds me: Holly, please don't have a little boy.  I don't like changing little boy diapers, and I don't think that will ever change.  I will love him just the same, but diaper changes will give me the willies (no pun intended).

Since I'm reflecting, let's look back at a few blog posts in October and November 2010:

October 13, 2010

October 15, 2010

October 24, 2010

October 26, 2010

October 31, 2010

November 2, 2010

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Our nickname for Emma is Doodlebug.  All the time, Doodlebug.  I'd like to ask God to tally how many times we've called her Doodlebug and Emma and see how close the two are.  So it's only fitting that Emma be a bug for Halloween - a ladybug.  She did really well keeping the hood on her head.  Here are some (ok, a lot of) pictures from the evening:

Excited to be going to see Rob and Holly! 

Sticking her lip out to blow a raspberry

 Annie the Bee, wondering why there's a baby in her house stealing her love

Apparently, Halloween was also about gifts this year.  Nan gave Emma a new puzzle you can see her playing with up above in my lap, and Mr. Rob and Miss Holly gave Emma a soft new owl to snuggle with in her crib.  Emma warmed right up to it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Deja Vu

For such a long time, Emma has been making a lot of forward progress.  I had forgotten what it was like to take some steps backwards.  Unfortunately, that feeling has crept back into our lives just a tad.  We were reminded at the end of last week when she was sick - besides the normal-kid fever, excessive sleeping, crankiness, etc., Emma stopped eating regular food and really could only tolerate a bottle.  So we made all this progress with food...and then she would only take a bottle.  But, praise God, we're back to eating regular food again.  Not much of it, but some.

Emma feels great again - maybe a little sluggish still, but she is much more herself now.  She felt good enough for us to take her to the Clemson game on Saturday to tailgate.  Our friends Rob and Holly tailgated with us, and we got some great shots of Emma loving on Mr. Rob.

As Emma got used to being around Rob and Holly, she didn't want Holly to stop holding her.  It takes Emma a little while to warm up to people, but even then, she still doesn't whine for them to hold her like she did for Holly on Saturday.

Emma also got to meet Corrie - she is my mom's college roommate's daughter.  Corrie and I think we've met once, like, in the 80's or something...so I don't really know if that counts.  Sweet Corrie was SO excited to meet Emma.  How blessed am I that someone I haven't seen since I could count my age on two hands is so excited to meet my daughter?!

Speaking of counting ages, Russell turns 30 on Tuesday.  I am 9 months older than Russell, so I always have to put up with the jokes from him about how much older I am.  If anyone knows both me AND Russell, it's no surprise I'm older.  Not because I act like an old dud, but because Russell is a 9-year-old trapped in a 29-almost-30-year-old's body.

Today I helped host a baby shower for my dear friend Holly (different Holly from above).  Her baby is due on 11/11/11 - how cool is that?  She and her hubs are not finding out the sex of the baby; if we hadn't just taken on the expenses of moving and new-home renovation, I would absolutely pay for a 3-D ultrasound just for my own sake.  Holly said I could.  I think that it is a peripheral bonus for Holly that not finding out the sex of the baby is torturous for me.  Very funny, Holly.  Just remember, what goes around comes around.  Just kidding, I love you.  A whole lot.  Here are some great pics from your shower :)

Alright Baby (Girl) Sharp, the ball's in your court now.  Man, I hope it's a little girl.  Little boys freak me out a little.  Of course, if it's a boy...I couldn't think of better in-laws than the Sharps for my sweet Emma, hehe.