Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Change of plans

Here I sit, blogging to distract myself from the fussing coming from Emma's room as she tries to nap with the bipap mask on.  If I didn't get busy blogging, I'd either cave in, scoop her up, and snuggle with her, or just fall asleep on the couch myself to the gentle sound of her My First Hymns CD coming through the baby monitor.

So here I sit.  Blogging to let you faithful blog-followers know that Emma does not have an MRI tomorrow as previously scheduled.  Two doctors' appointments to prep for it and two missed therapies, but no MRI.  Sheesh.  Emma is on the downslope of a very minor cold, but that's enough to force Dr. Troup to postpone the MRI to some point in the next 30 days.  Because Emma has to go under general anesthesia and be intubated, she has to be totally, completely healthy.  Aside from the runny nose for the first three hours of the day, Emma has been choking a lot more in the last few days because of all the nasty stuff running down her throat.  I can't imagine forcing even more choking on my daughter by making her little throat sore from the breathing tube :(

I ordered the last of Emma's Christmas gifts today, and I'm excited to see what she thinks of her toys.  We've been encouraged in the last couple of weeks by what we hope is the beginning of a few words.  We have been getting the occasional "bye-bye," and most recently "cake" and "wa-wa" for water.  I was under the impression that you aren't supposed to teach kids baby words like wa-wa, but her speech therapist said that for now, it's more important for her to say a word and associate something with it rather than worry with the absolute correct word.  Fine with me!

Ok, time to answer some emails and wrap some presents.

Maybe I'll nap on the couch after all.

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