Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bring on the holidays

Forgive me for the length of time since my last post.  We as humans always seem to find ourselves busy with SOMETHING.  Generally speaking, there's nothing I'd rather be busy with than Thanksgiving and Christmas.  So until I can get it together to post some more pictures, here are some updates:

Emma's been battling a series of bladder infections, and she now is on an antibiotic for a few months to try to get rid of whatever's bothering her once and for all.  We had to do this once before, and it seemed to work, so let's hope the long-term medicine works again.

Emma's Granddaddy (that would be my father-in-law) made her this great little mini-wheelchair out of a Bumbo seat.  Pictures soon to follow, but for now, let me tell you that Emma LOVES it.  She already knows how to maneuver wheels thanks to her mobile stander.  We aren't viewing this new toy as a wheelchair, but more as a tricycle or toy with wheels.  We refuse to give up on Emma's mobility, so this Bumbobile is used as a toy, rather than as a consistent mode of transportation.

In the last couple of weeks Emma has begun to really treasure baby dolls.  She didn't have much interest in them before, but she's warmed up to them.  She's a very affectionate child, always giving "squeeze hugs," offering lots of closed- AND open-mouthed kisses (to anyone, including our dog and my parents' dog), patting backs, and her most recent stunt: scratching backs.  Oh, and she likes to brush your hair.  So all that affection has begun to be channeled into loving on her baby dolls.  So stinkin' cute.

Ok, big news: my goddaughter was born on Friday, November 18!!  She was 8 lbs, 10 oz, and her name is Elsie Anne Sharp.  I love her, and she's awesome.  Pictures to follow.

This weekend Russell and I are going to the ACC Championship game in Charlotte.  I know what you're thinking: what a waste.  The wheels are going to come off the Clemson bus AGAIN.  And you're probably right.  So the Clemson game will just be one of a few things that we're going to do in Charlotte, and we'll pretend that the game isn't the only reason we're going to Charlotte for the weekend.  Emma is staying with Mama Jane and Granddaddy, so she will be spoiled rotten upon our return.

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