Saturday, November 5, 2011

The things I missed

The title of this blog sounds so defeated and upsetting, but it's not - just a reflection on the things I missed during the first three months of Emma's life.  I am reflecting on these things because my dear, sweet Holly is due with our godson/goddaughter in a week.

Can I just say that newborns still freak me out a little?  I never really had a newborn.  I had a baby in a hospital crib for three months.  I'm still nervous about holding a newborn and his or her head just rolling right off.  Also keep in mind that I never had a child with a small head (Emma was born with hydrocephaly), so I don't know how to cradle a newborn baby's head.  I don't know what it's like to have a squirmy newborn.  I don't know how to swaddle a baby.  I don't know how to change a newborn's clothes without snapping off an arm or a leg.  I don't know what it's like to be sleep-deprived: Emma had nurses who fed her every three/four hours around the clock when we were at home sleeping.  I don't know what it's like to not have time to shower between feedings.  I don't know what it's like to nap when my baby does.  So you see, it's not all bad things that I missed.

Now obviously, we went through some things that some parents should never have to deal with.  As I look back, though, the things I missed that I wish I hadn't missed, I will be able to catch up on with my godson/goddaughter, as well as my niece who will be born in December - getting used to holding a newborn, learning how to hold a squirmy (from the waist down) newborn, and changing a newborn's clothes (not just the side-snap shirts that Emma wore).  Holly and Allison, I still can't promise that I will know how to swaddle.  And I will NOT breastfeed your child.  But snuggling, holding, and diapering I can handle.

Oh, that reminds me: Holly, please don't have a little boy.  I don't like changing little boy diapers, and I don't think that will ever change.  I will love him just the same, but diaper changes will give me the willies (no pun intended).

Since I'm reflecting, let's look back at a few blog posts in October and November 2010:

October 13, 2010

October 15, 2010

October 24, 2010

October 26, 2010

October 31, 2010

November 2, 2010

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh out loud ... and tear up. :) Love you lots!
