Thursday, May 2, 2013

These Youngs are getting old

Our family has been so off these last few days, as I previously posted.  Let's add one more thing to our ailments:  Russell can't move his quads.  Because he's old and tried to play softball like he's young.  So there's that.

Emma is coming out of her cold quite well, and she doesn't want to go to sleep at night.  She went to sleep at 12:30 Monday night/Tuesday morning and woke up at 7 am.  She only took an hour-long nap and then wanted to talk to me from her bed for about an hour Tuesday night.  My best guess is that she finally caved around 10:45.  She's starting to sleep like a big girl.

As for the construction (or as Emma refers to it, "the mess"), it's moving right along.  VERY quickly, in my opinion...but what do I really know about construction?

Day 9:

Day 10:

While Emma and I were both home sick, we spotted the first butterfly of the year.  She kept scaring it off before I could take a picture, but the butterfly kept coming back until I could finally snap one.  Emma was so excited to have a picture of the "bootiful buttafwy."

And we painted.  Well, she painted, and I cleaned it all up (which took longer than the time she actually spent painting).

Playtime has gotten much more exciting at our house.  Emma doesn't have much of a choice as to where she can play with her toys: on the floor.  That's her reality.  So let's make the floor as fun as possible:

1 comment:

  1. So exciting about your house, and little Emma's tent looks like a lot of fun. Mary Ladson has one, but she and maybe two toys can fit in it - I think we should have gotten a bigger one!
