Sunday, May 12, 2013

Construction First, Mother's Day pics later

I have some beautiful pictures of Mother's Day events, but they deserve a post of their own.  So for now, it's construction time!

Day 15:  We have a roofline.

Day 16: It's so clean!  The framers are done for now, and the plumber started marking where things are supposed to go.  In this first picture, you're looking from the bedroom into the bathroom on the right.  And in the second, you're standing in the bedroom looking into the closet.

On Day 17, the plumber came back out and plumbed for the laundry room, which is currently our bedroom.  The pipes for the washing machine and our double sinks are in the same wall.  So on one side the plumbing looks like this:

And on the other side (our bedroom) it creepily looks like this next to my head at night, in preparation for the washing machine:

Also on Day 17, we got a new roof, all over the entire house.  Hallelujah!  No more leaks!  (Well, there better not be...)

I know that all these construction updates aren't that interesting to a lot of people, and for that, I apologize.  But SOME people have commented that they like seeing the progress, and I know that we will look back on this in amazement one day.  Blogs aren't just for updating on the here and now; they are also for documenting the stuff that we hope to never forget from our past...but some of it we inevitably will.

And that's where the blog comes into play.  There are so many things, big and small, about our life that I want to be able to show Emma: how our house used to be very difficult for her to move around we decided it was time to move into a house we didn't love, but one that would be good for her eventually, because we love her more than any living situation we will ever find ourselves in.  I'll say this, though: I could have done without all the gas leaks over the last year and a half.

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