Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A new list

I'm a list-maker.  And I developed this mental list while I stood in the rain with my umbrella and rainboots for 20 minutes this past Sunday waiting on our dog to poop:

Top 5 unfortunate circumstances during a non-stop monsoon:
(1) Having a dog - check
(2) Undergoing home construction - check
(3) Having a leaky roof - check
(4) Having a child who is unable to walk - check
(5) Not having a garage/carport - check

On Saturday night, we heard some sort of sliding crash occur on our roof and at the back of our house.  Russell and I aren't really sure what happened since we don't know how the giant tarp protecting our partially demolished roof and back of the house was situated.  We DO know that the wind picked up the tarp that was nailed down to some 2 x 4's (which were then nailed to our roof) and ripped a board off the new construction, as well as split a 2 x 4 in half.  The framer came back on Sunday to fix it and was amazed at what the wind had done and how much water had pooled in some part of the tarp.

So here's what had been done leading up to the torrential rain:

Day 11:

Day 12:

I have no idea what this is, but there are a few of them:

Things are literally taking in the shape of the entry into our bedroom:

I would imagine it took them quite a while to clean up the rainy mess from the weekend, but they still made a lot of progress on Day 13:

And Day 14 looks like a bunch of lumber going in all different directions:

Emma is very familiar with who Ryan, our builder, is.  She knows that he is building Mommy and Daddy a new bedroom.  But when we ask Emma what Ryan does, she replies, "Mess up our house."

Our construction includes a new roof for the entire house, so we emptied out the attic.  In the process, we came across a PlasmaCar that I bought Emma a while back.  A PlasmaCar is navigated by some sort of feat of engineering...whatever, it's not navigated by a typical pedaling motion. When I bought it, I thought Emma might be able to use it since pedaling probably wasn't in her future.  Based on her inability to balance well, I was QUITE skeptical and thought I had wasted my money.  With some give-it-a-try spirit from Russell and a little help from one of my infinity scarves bound around her feet to keep them on the car (hello, ingenuity), I realized I was 100% WRONG in doubting my brave, fun-loving, and precious baby girl:

So besides a slightly bigger house with more room in which to maneuver, this construction has provided Emma with a new "bicycle" and me with more confidence in what she's really capable of.


  1. She is AMAZING!!!! Love me some Emma :-)

  2. First, congrats on getting a new roof! With this, you no longer have to be afraid or be stressed whenever it rains. By the way, what roof did you install? Good luck on the construction!

  3. It's a real pain when you have to deal with repairs under the rain to make things more complicated for you and for the contractors as well. But seeing how they're making progress despite the situation is pleasing. Little Emma is so cute, by the way.
    O.N. Andrew & Son
