Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well, we've reached a milestone I had not even thought of, and now that it's here, I'm not happy about it.  The I'm-old-enough-to-know-when-my-picture-is-being-taken-and-I'm-supposed-to-do-something-resembling-this-weird-expression scrunch face.

Lucky for us, she paused just long enough from her toy box expedition to give us that weird attempt at a fake smile.  Based on the next picture, I have a feeling that the next odd milestone will be fascination with tents, forts, and big cardboard boxes.  Emma also enjoys crawling on top of the wooden platform that runs underneath the kitchen island.  Maybe we need to get her a tent.  And then Russell and I will officially have to begin the addition to our house because there will be no more room at the inn.

We had a pretty run-of-the-mill Valentine's Day.  Russell and I are not big believers in day-of celebrations.  If you get close, that's good enough.  Saturday we had a couple massage and a delicious dinner at Ruth's Chris.  (Side note: Please don't think I'm not appreciative of being able to go to a nice dinner, but Ruth's Chris isn't all it's cracked up to be when you've experienced The Peddler in Greenville.  To pay that much for a meal at Ruth's Chris, there shouldn't have been so many mistakes.  Plus, The Peddler is just better.  The best.  Ever.  Anywhere.)  We got sweet Valentine's cards from our parents, and Nan helped the Doodlebug make me and Russell homemade cards with hearts made from tiny inked thumbs and lots of glitter.  Apparently Emma really loved the glitter - like any child, the messier a project, the more fun it is.  If any of you change her diaper in the upcoming months, don't be surprised to find glitter plastered to her got sprinkled on the diapers in her diaper bag.  Russell brought home roses, champagne, and a box of chocolates on Monday night (see what I mean?  Monday is close enough.), and I got to cut some gorgeous daffodils from our yard before they froze Monday night.  It appears that our back yard will be beautiful this spring with the bulbs that are starting to come up.  We have a huge hydrangea, azaleas, and a dogwood tree.  I'm sure there are other plants, bushes, and trees that will be pretty, but I can't identify them.  Ironically, the front yard that the whole world sees on a main road in Gower...not so much.  I think pink plastic flamingos might actually class it up.  So here are the flowers that Russell and our yard gave me:

To quote Margaret Love's signature blogline (see my blogroll), it was a very good (Valentine's) day (and preceeding days).

1 comment:

  1. Yes, big cardboard boxes are the best entertainment out there. We have a set of tents that has tubes that connect to it ... also big hit to crawl through. They've taken over our living room. I'm pretty sure Andy asked Kenny to get in tent with him during their visit :)
