Monday, February 6, 2012

Keep on truckin'

Well, good news and bad news from Dr. Troup.  He said the exact same thing he said after Emma's last MRI in June:  "The bad news is, her MRI's look awful.  The good news is, they look exactly the same as they did before."  I won't get into boring details, but we sat around and weighed risk vs. benefit of surgery now or later, back and forth, up and down.  The conclusion was that Emma is progressing more and more, and she's not showing increasing symptoms (or even plateau-like symptoms) of the two main problems, a compressed brain stem and a VERY large cyst on her spinal why perform a dangerous surgery that may or may not help?  We go back to see Dr. Troup in four months just to check in with him, and Emma's next MRI won't be until spring of 2013.

In new house news, we ordered a new dining room table, partially paid for with my birthday money.  You know you've entered the decade of your 30's when you want furniture for your birthday (and that's really, truly ALL you want).  The table came in on Friday, so we spent Friday evening assembling it.  Emma thought this was great fun, once we got all the dangerous parts out of her reach.  She always has been our little engineer, more interested in how toys work and come apart than in actually playing with them.  If we had let her, she would have really loved crawling into the box and trying to figure out how that dadblasted butterfly leaf works.

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