Blog Archive

Monday, March 15, 2010

Our baby has fat cheeks.

We had our last ultrasound this morning (Monday), and we found out a couple things about Miss Emma - first of all, her weight is back up again, to their best estimate. Of course, they have to qualify their estimate because it's pretty tight and hard to measure in there, and they say that their guess may be off plus/minus a pound. To quote Clark W. Griswold, "Drumroll please....drumroll..." 7 POUNDS SEVEN OUNCES! So in 3 weeks, they think Emary went from the 14th weight percentile to 52nd percentile. The next thing we found out is that she has HUGE cheeks. We have a fat baby. She gave us a good profile shot, and I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing! The ultrasound tech printed, like, 5 copies of the chubby cheek profile, so we have plenty to distribute!

She is still breech, and I found out this week that only 3% of babies end up breech. Add to that the chance of her having spina bifida, and I'm just wondering why we haven't won the lottery with these kinds of odds. Her feet are up over her head, and I only have to endure one more day of being kicked and punched in the ribs!

So here we are, getting ready to go out for my last meal as a big, fat pregnant woman...aka, the last meal where no one will question how much I eat. Sad.

My c-section is tomorrow morning at 9 am, and I should be out of recovery by 12. Emma's surgery will begin sometime around 12, but it could be later, depending on how she's doing simply from being born. Her surgery could last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. Once she's out of surgery and in the NICU, Russell and I will pretty much be able to see her right away...if our moms don't beat us there! They only let 2 people at a time back in the NICU, and there are only 4 people total with authorization. Of course, Russell and I are 2 of those people, and we gave each set of our parents the option to choose who the other 2 would be. Clearly, the moms won.


  1. Mary Beth,
    It sounds like with that weight she's off to a good start. Please know I'm praying for a restful night tonight and God's Peace be with you tomorrow. Give her a big "heart hug" from me when you can. Gale Bagwell (Oakview)

  2. We are so happy for you! We love the blog!!!! Good luck tomorrow. You all are in our thoughts and prayers for your special day!

  3. Mary Beth & Russell,

    I'm so glad her weight is up there, that's a good start for her. I hope everyone has a restful night and God's peace and grace be with you tomorrow. I love the blog and please keep them coming and let us all know about Emma. Prayers and thoughts are with you.

  4. MB,
    Praying for Emary, you and Russell today. I pray that God will grant you and Russell peace and comfort today and that He will guide the surgeon's hands.
    My practical advice from a momma who went through infant surgeries and NICU visits, ask a ton of questions. If you don't feel like you get an answer, ask to see someone else.
    Love you,
    Heather (Holly's sis)

  5. I having been praying for all three of you since early this am! I knwo this is an exciting day and I know Emary will be such a blessing.

  6. I've been thinking about you today and just said a prayer for you, Emma and your family. Can't wait to see pictures and here all about her.

    Malinda Gray
