Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Emma is Here!

Our C-Section was scheduled for 9:00 this morning, but we were the first ones there so they started about 8:30. There was some trouble getting my spinal block in, but once they did, everything else went smoothly. As soon as Emma was delivered at 8:42 AM, she hit the airwaves with some strong, healthy cries. What a beautiful noise it was. We were able to see her for a moment, and Russell was able to snap a few pictures there in the O.R. before they had to take Emma away to the NICU. After an hour or so in recovery, they were able to take Russell and I by the NICU to see Emma for a few minutes. Emma weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces and is 19 and 3/4 inches long. Turns out, she's a fiesty little girl as she pulled her first two IV's out. As a result, they had to put a PICC in her (basically a more stable IV in case you're like us and don't know what that is). She is sleeping on her tummy, and she has already been trying to lift her head!

We met with the neurosurgeon around noon before Emma's surgery and basically gathered that the lesion is low on her back, but the hydrocephalus was high and will require a shunt eventually (likely sooner rather than later). Both of these were things we expected, so no major shock there.

Emma's surgery began about 2:00 PM and lasted about 2 and 1/2 hours (we think). As soon as her surgery was over, apparently the neurosurgeon was pulled into some other emergency. As of Tuesday night, we had not spoken to the neurosurgeon to get a report on how things went exactly. What we do know that is that after the surgery she is doing well and resting per the NICU nurses. We were able to see her again at about 10:00 PM after I was able to get up for the first time. She has good movement in her legs but is definitely a tired little girl after a busy Day 1 of her life.

I personally am in some pain and just wish that I could be well so that I can gaze at my sweet little girl in the NICU. All in good time. Russell is pretty stoked about sleeping on the lovely recliner-turned-bed in our room. Other than that, he is so excited about being a daddy.

We can't thank our family, friends, church members, and so many others enough for all your thoughts and prayers. You have all been instrumental in our ability to make it through everything we have experienced - you all are blessings from above.

This is one of the pictures of her before surgery. Do you see the bandages on her little hand? That would be the aftermath of Emma vs. IV's.


  1. Mary Beth, She is beautiful. I know you are tired and exhausted, both physically and mentally. I'm still praying for you.
    Gale Bagwell, Oakview

  2. Mary Beth and Russell she is absolutely beautiful! I love the fiestiness! That will serve her well:). And make you crazy one day! I love how even babies can show their personalities. Still praying for all three of you. You know how to reach me if you want/need to talk.
    Heather Bonner

  3. Mary Beth, She is beautiful. I'm praying for your new addition and for you as well.
    THinking of you often.
    Marcie Bunch, Gateway Elem

  4. Mary Beth, she is beautiful. I know you can't wait to be able to hold her all the time and kiss those little fat cheeks. If you need some help rocking that precious one give me a call. Wishing everyone a quick recovery.

    Malinda Gray, Mauldin High

  5. Mary Beth & Russell, She is so beautiful! What a wonderful gift from God. She is going to be such a blessing to your lives! I am glad she is finally here. I can not wait to meet her. Take care of all three of you and know that you are in my daily prayers and thoughts!!!!

  6. Congratulations! She is beautiful.

    Samantha ( Friend of Kathey Ricketts )

  7. She is absolutely precious!!! Cannot wait to see y'all on Thursday! Congratulations! Try to get some rest!

    Love y'all!

  8. Congrats MB and Russell. She is beautiful!

    Psalm 138:1 "I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart."

  9. She is a little Mary Beth, so beautiful, this is exciting!!

    Tee Brock
    Woodmont Middle

  10. Mary Beth and Russell:

    She is simply beautiful!!!! God has certainly sent us an angel! Glad to hear all is going as planned. Your family continues to be in my prayers! Praise God for this wonderful new life!!!

  11. She is a beautiful little angel! I know you are both excited and very proud! We are praying for Miss Emma as well has her mommy and daddy! Congratulations!

    Ashley, Travelers Rest High

  12. Oh, she is so sweet and beautiful! We've been praying and thinking about you a lot. Can't wait to see her!
    Donna Corley

  13. Read about your family on the Cokers' blog and wanted you to know we're praying for y'all. Emma is absolutely gorgeous - congratulations!!

  14. Mary Beth,
    Emma is beautiful. God is good. I know that you can't wait to hold her in your arms and cuddle her next to you.

    Carol at East North Stret.

  15. Wow! Love how those c-section babies are so amazingly beautiful. Glad all has been going well. Hope you are feeling better, Mary Beth. Thanks for keeping the blog going. We are rejoicing with you!--Libby
