Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our bubble

I'm not a paranoid parent.  My mother is more diligent about hand cleanliness on Emma than I am.  There.  I admitted it.  DSS, take me away.

But beginning last Sunday, January 5, 2014, I have placed Emma in a bubble.  Sort of - no exposure to other children at church or preschool.  This is an influence from my mom that I HAVE picked up on - the general thought that all children are covered in germs that will make any of us vomit within 5 minutes.  But let me just tell you, to a mom whose child is about to go through megasurgery in the middle of a rough cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, and stomach virus season, this is what all children look like:

We have taken Emma to my parents' house and out for errands, but I can't shake the brainwashing that children carry germs that are 30 times more potent than that of adults.

Plus, it's been entirely too cold to take Emma out.  She sees us putting on and taking off coats, gloves, and hats and understands what that means.  In South Carolina, gloves and hats are a big deal.  So last night, she decided that she was cold (she wasn't) and that she needed a sweatshirt (she didn't).  After we got the sweatshirt on, I asked her what on her body was so cold that she needed a sweatshirt.  I was NOT expecting this response (turn your volume up to hear her tiny little voice...which, sorry, means my voice will be at yelling volume):

Her hair.  Emma is a diva about a few things, but not a lot.  Apparently letting her hair get cold is something that must be prevented at all costs, even if that means wearing her hoodie inside.

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