Friday, March 29, 2013

The Best Laid Plans of Mice & Men Often Go Astray

I wouldn't dare complain about anything pertaining to Emma's birthday...since it's a miracle that she's here with us.

But let's just say I was less than thrilled with the wind at her little party.  Here are the cute decorations that now reside at our house because the wind gusts were wreaking havoc on them.  All homemade, all meticulously crafted by this uncrafty momma.  Sheesh.

So much time, so much effort, so much theme coordination.  And so much bleeping wind.  By the way, that banner will stay up for as long as I want it to, so if you come over to our house in a few months and it's still here, I'm warning you NOT to ask when I'm taking it down.  It's the equivalent of growing my own Christmas tree, cutting it down, pruning it, and decorating it, only to find out they've canceled Christmas.


  1. Its ok. I had a birthday banner up for months. And I didn't even make it. I just hung it up. Super good job on the mouse theme! I'm impressed :)

  2. Let it stay up as long as you want! I made a winter wreath one year that didn't come down until September :o) Happy birthday Emma!
