Friday, March 8, 2013

Old Hat

Mom and I took Emma to Shriner's yesterday for her semi-annual, routine tests - bladder function and kidney ultrasound.  I'm actually not sure how the bladder function test ended up, but the nurse didn't tell us anything was wrong....and she would have if there had been.  The kidney ultrasound looked fine, which is the more important test in my opinion.  Kidney trouble is more serious than bladder trouble.  We go back in a month to see the docs and get the official results.

Emma was such a little trooper - the perfect child for these tests - with a little help from my phone and Mom's phone showing Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes. 

Emma has these funny little fits of laughter where she can hardly breathe because she thinks something is so funny.  Here's a shot of this kind of laughter with her "silwee" Daddy.  If you know Russell, you have probably laughed at him that hard at some point, too.

Our sweet child carries on such delightful conversations, and I was able to capture one of them on video the other night.  Of course, I had to split it up because (a) it was so long and (b) Emma discussed her classmates at school.  There are just too many crazies out there to put all that on the blog.

Anyway, here are some of the funnier/cuter parts, in my humble opinion.  If you disagree, sorry....more memories for me, I guess :)

And here's our sweet girl praying for Nan and trying to remain animated and chatty so as to prevent falling asleep.


  1. I loved these! When Elsie heard Emma giggling in the first one, she started laughing, too. :)
