Sunday, January 20, 2013

Those funny little things...

The other day, Emma told us that something was "fantastic."

Her favorite song is The Lumineers song, "Ho hey," mainly so that she can "sing" the ho hey part.  I've yet to get it on video, but instead of singing, "Hey! Ho! Hey!," she just says, "Ah!" over and over.  So she rocks from side to side bouncing her arms up and down saying over and over, "Ah!  Ah!  Ah!  Ah!"

Because Emma can't walk or move her legs very well, she can't throw herself on the floor and kick and scream out a temper tantrum.  Instead, she does doughnuts in her wheelchair or stander and throws her head back, until she gets dizzy and things look funny dizzy and upside the crying turns to laughing.

In the car the other day, she burst into laughter in the back seat.  Gut-busting laughter.  I asked, "What's so funny?"  "Stuffy.  Stuffy's so funny," she replied.  Apparently, Stuffy, the dinosaur in Doc McStuffins, was particularly funny that day.  The next evening, I was brushing her teeth, and she randomly burst into laughter again...laughing so hard she couldn't breathe and almost lost her balance.  I thought maybe I was tickling the inside of her mouth?  So I asked what was so funny...."Stuffy.  Stuffy's so funny."  I love that she's having her own little memories of her favorite TV show.

Little girls have tea parties, and Emma is no exception.  She loves her tea parties with my mom and with her dolls.  But she comes from a long line of coffee-drinkers...they're still called tea parties, but she serves her dolls coffee.  Attagirl.

Whenever Emma hears something unexpected in the other room or outside, she puts her gentle little hands to her jawline and ever-so-delicately whispers, "I hear Daddy."  "I hear a puppy."  "I hear Wowa [Lola]."  "I hear sumpin."  Her whisper is just so precious.  I think she means to put her hands to her ears, but they wind up along her cheeks, and it's so cute.

She has been quite sick lately, but before the storm REALLY hit, I took her to the grocery store.  She LOVES the grocery store and says, "HEY!" to every third person we see.  She speaks very loudly and asks lots of questions.  Sometimes the loud talking is really just plain old yelling.  So here I go down the cheese/eggs/OJ aisle, browsing for what I need, and Emma yells, "I GOT MUUUCUUUS!  I GOT MUCUS!  I GOT MUCUS!"  (If you have a weak stomach, you may want to stop reading.)  As I try to shush her before I am shamed out of the grocery store where everyone's food is clearly being exposed to the child yelling, "I GOT MUCUS!", I realize that I have.  No.  Tissues.   I left the diaper bag in the car, and I didn't have any tissues in my purse.  And this is not mucus.  It's snot.  A light yellow, thick river of snot running into her mouth, it's so copious.  Couldn't be clear, could it?  I couldn't have a quiet, shy child, could I?  What other choice did I have to both get her to STOP YELLING that she had mucus and get rid of that nastiness on her face than to use my grocery list?  That I was still using.  I had to keep reopening the folded (and now somewhat glued together) grocery list.  Don't worry, I sanitized my hands like a dozen times going through the grocery store.  But I still kept thinking (and then got myself kinda tickled), what if every person walking by me only knew what was on my grocery list?  Your sense of humor changes so much as a mom.

Happy in her new princess dress before the storm:

In a pitiful, sleepy stupor during the storm:

These things may not be entertaining to you, but my good friend Abbey has a blog documenting the lives of her three kids, and she often says that she has to blog about these things so she won't forget them.  So this blog entry is definitely for me, so I won't forget these funny little things that Emma does that I most likely will have forgotten about in a few short months.


  1. love it. thanks for sharing. she's sleeping in her zebra shirt awww !

  2. I agree with Brantley, I died laughing at the snot story! "J"

  3. and for those of us far away, this is the kind of stuff we like to read so we can feel like we're not so far away. xoxoxo
