Thursday, August 4, 2011

Medical updates

I feel like bullet points tonight.
  • Today Emma's VitalStim therapy was cranked up to level 10 (this is significantly higher than it had been, but I don't know at what level it maxes out), and she DIDN'T CRY about it.
  • Emma's sleep specialist informed us on Monday that we have to start Emma on strict behavioral sleep training.  This involves Emma being awake, laying her in her crib at 9pm, putting the BiPAP mask on, and leaving her.  Yeah.  Right.
  • We have a strict schedule to follow with Emma's sleep training, with varying minutes of leaving her and coming in to comfort her.
  • So far, we have not followed the schedule.  Because she hasn't needed it :)  Girlfriend is sleeping like a champ.  We've only done it for one whole night now; night #2 is successful thus far.
  • Tomorrow the sleep training applies to naps.  Yikes.
  • Emma's choking has gotten better (well, less frequent...severity is the same), but it hasn't gone away.  We are hoping the VitalStim is slowly but surely taking care of this.
  • She still refuses to wear her glasses.  With gusto.  And her eyes look terrible at times.
  • Emma's knee immobilizers came in, so tomorrow at therapy, we'll see how she does with these little contraptions that force her knees to straighten so that we can start to teach her how to stand.
Ok, enough with the bullets.  Emma is happy, happy, happy.  Russell and I have a new reason to be happy, happy, happy.  We think we may have found a house we like.  We haven't even seen the inside of it yet, only pictures, so I could be completely wrong here.  But the wheels have started turning.  It's a little rough around the edges, but nothing that some one- or two-week projects can't fix.  And since our house is STILL on the market, we are considering leasing our house.  I cannot even tell you how much I DON'T want to lease.  Ever since our house has been on the market since last October, I haven't felt any sense of urgency because I knew that God was taking care of us.  But something feels different now.  My personal plan/what I thought God was going to do was for us to sell our house and then move into another one.  Of course, we all THINK we know what path God will lead us down.  Now...I'm not so sure.  I'm still pretty nervous about possibly renting our house, but judging from the astronomical number of phone calls I've had about renting, maybe this is God's direction for our lives at this point.  What matters in the end is that we trust that He will protect us financially and provide us with a home that is safe for our baby girl.

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