Friday, August 26, 2011

Feed me

To continue with where I left off on my last post, Emma is eating better and better each day.  So far today, she has eaten a whole scrambled egg.  Two nights ago, she demolished a biscuit just like a normal kid, which is significant not just for her eating and feeding herself, but also because she didn't mind getting her hands dirty.  Here's the evidence:

See those shiny things on top of her eyes that make her look kinda nerdy?  Those are GLASSES.  Yes, her glasses.  She wore them for a pretty decent amount of time that night.

And here's a shot of Lola just waiting for some bites of deliciousness to hit the floor (some of you may have seen this on Facebook):

Emma is sleeping better and better with her mask on in her crib at night.  As for the naps, we're still taking baby steps, but they are definitely steps forward.  God has answered so many people's prayers regarding the naps at Nan's house.  Emma isn't sleeping in the crib at Nan's house, but she IS sleeping on the bed with Nan and with the mask on, and this is definitely a step in the right direction.  The last few days have been wonderful with these naps, and my mom is feeling much more comfortable and at peace with putting the mask on her baby girl.  (By the way, my mom's nickname for me my whole life has been Baby Girl, but I think I've been dethroned.)  Russell and I have tougher skin than our mothers, so on the weekends, we have been putting Emma in the crib for her naps.  Those haven't been pretty - prolonged periods of crying before she finally gives in, and the naps aren't as long...but I'm not discouraged at all.  Some families deal with worse sleeping habits than this with kids who have no medical issues, so I know that the Lord is watching over us. 

My dad managed to condense the Flip camera video that my mom took the other day of Emma eating her roll.  I don't have the time right at the moment to figure out how to save the Flip video to my computer, so hopefully this link will work:

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