Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One of the Mary's

Back at the very beginning of writing this blog, even before Emma was born, I posted about how we came up with Emma's given name, Emary.  She comes from a long line of Mary's, one of whom is her great-great Aunt Mary on Russell's side.  Aunt Mary passed away on Monday, July 11, and we had all her services today.  Aunt Mary was 87 years old, had been a widow since 1977, and had no children.  Mary Jane and Uncle Robert WERE her children, essentially.  She took good care of her great-niece and great-nephews, and she was a part of Russell's family just like a grandmother would be.  Aunt Mary's health had deteriorated in the last few years and had pretty much gotten to where she couldn't walk or move very much.  Now she is walking in Heaven with her beloved sister, Dot, and her husband.  In fact, Russell's Aunt Kathey said today that she thinks that Granddaddy (Aunt Mary's brother-in-law and Dot's husband) is driving Mama Dot and Aunt Mary around in Heaven, just like he always did here on earth.

Since Aunt Mary is now feeling no pain or sorrow and is walking with Jesus, I think it's only appropriate to post our first video of Emma's first version of walking.  I certainly hope that she will one day walk on this earth...but if she doesn't, she, too, will walk with Aunt Mary in Heaven.

During all our family time today, I got some great shots of Emma with Aunt Kathey and our cousin Chesley.  I especially love that Chesley and Emma are sticking their tongues out at each other.


  1. I think Emma is a "south" pawer :-) I just love me some Emma!! And I understand that she does no how to say "YES"!!! Love you! "j"

  2. I love the video. She is going to be dangerous in her walker, how precious! I do have to say, she made my night on Tuesday, it was very hard to leave her. And I can not blame her for saying yes!!!!!! Love ya'll all!!!!
