Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A two-for-one deal

Isn't that what we're bombarded by this holiday season?  Deals?  Well, you're in luck - two blogs for the price of one.

Russell and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary next Friday night, December 17th.  We had discussed going on a big trip for our 5th, but we didn't want to lock ourselves into plane tickets when Emma's health has been so up-in-the-air.  So we settled on Savannah.  I've really been looking forward to going there at Christmastime.  The plan was for us to leave next Wednesday morning, the 15th.  I was done with the blog tonight when Russell walked in and said, "I have some bad news.  It looks like I'm going to have to work a few hours next Wednesday morning, so we won't be able to leave for Savannah right when we planned.  Hopefully this will make up for it."  He laid this down in front of me:

I said, "It's an apple," thinking, "If you think that's going to make up for working on our vacation, you've got another thing coming."  His reply was, "It's big."


You should know that New York City is my favorite place ever.  (Boston is a close 2nd, but NYC holds my heart.)  You should also know that Christmas is my favorite time of year - I can't get enough.  Combine the 2, and what do you get?  My 4th trip to New York at Christmastime.  There is absolutely nothing like NYC at Christmas, and there's REALLY nothing like New York with Russell.

I have the best husband ever.


  1. How exciting! Do you think Russell could give lessons??????? I am sure it is so beautiful for Christmas. It will be w wonderful time of year for ya'll to get away and enjoy some time together! I take it Emma will be well taken care of, if we can do anythign let us know. We would be happy too! Love ya'll! Holly

  2. I think that is a much deserved break. But I must say, when I read the blog, I thought to myself, Russell needs to give lessons! You can tell Holly and I suffer have husbands that suffer from the same weakness, "planning" :-0
    Happy 5th Anniversary! You are both so very blessed!! Love you, Joyce
