Saturday, September 4, 2010

Emma's first tailgate

Today wasn't exactly Emma's first Clemson game, but it was her first tailgate. Thanks to my fantastic father-in-law, we were able to tailgate from 11:30 to 6:30 with a tv, satellite dish, and high-powered fan. Beautiful. The weather was great under the tent and in front of the fan. So great, in fact, that even after the game itself started, all our tailgating friends and family starting trickling back to the tailgate spot. Who can blame them? Cold drinks, food, the game on TV, a tent, a big shade tree, spacious camping chairs...and sweet baby Emma.

Emma was all smiles all the way to the game until, of course, I pulled out the camera. Then this was all I could get of her. Then I started feeling carsick looking down at her trying to get her to smile and manipulating the camera...and neither one of us was smiling at that point.

One of Emma's brief catnaps - notice the fan blowing back my hair...ahhh, now that's tailgating.

Being silly with Uncle C.

Enjoying the view from 6 feet, 4 inches - much higher than the view from Mommy's shoulder.

Getting some love from Miss Allison - one of those friends to whom we might as well be related.

Emma got A LOT of love from Allison today - not to be confused with Aunt Ally.

Speaking of Aunt Ally, she and Mama Jane took Emma to Tiger Walk in her stroller. Apparently she enjoyed it - Emma LOVES her stroller and loves being outside. We all probably would love to be outside, even in this heat, when someone pushes us around and keeps us a fan on us all day. She even had a portable fan to blow on her in the stroller.

God has blessed us tremendously. So many doctors didn't think Emma would be doing this well at this point in time...but they didn't know Emma. We have no idea what's ahead of us, but God sure does love our family enough to bless us with a fun and beautiful day with this precious little girl:


  1. Emma is the cutest Clemson fan I've ever seen! It looks like she loved tailgating and that ya'll had a great day. Hopefully we will make it to a game to tailgate with you guys this year.
    Take care,
    Lesli :)

  2. I wish I was close enough to pinch those sweet chubby cheeks and thighs! xoxo Abbey
