Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chatty Cathy

Today Emma had a pretty adventurous day. She woke up at 5:45, which was an adventure for all of us. After she got that first bottle in her, she had a great morning. Emma has been to 4 therapy sessions before today, and she has gotten slightly fussy during all of them until today. My mom and her neighbor, Jan (aka Mama Jan), took Emma to PT, and she was perfect! The therapist was impressed with her improved head control just since last week.

On the way home, Emma threw up in the car BIG TIME. Then she threw up again an hour after her next bottle. Neither of these little episodes were related to choking or burping, which frequently causes some spit-up. Emma also choked while in the tub tonight and completely threw up her entire bottle. Emma is a hard read because she's dealing with poor swallowing. When we hear her getting gurgly in the back of her throat, we've assumed it's because she isn't swallowing her saliva properly...and that's probably part of it. But now we're wondering if her reflux is stronger than we initially thought. When Emma spits up, it's pure slime and has been for weeks now. It doesn't even absorb into a burp cloth. She had a reflux test in the hospital, and it did detect some reflux. Emma's been on Zantac since she was in the hospital, but I started to wonder if maybe it's not as effective as it needs to be (I've heard that it's pretty useless on some kids). So today the pediatrician called in a prescription for Prevacid...maybe this will make a difference in the puking, etc. My only doubt about reflux is that Emma hasn't been in any kind of discomfort, so I don't really know if all this is due to reflux.

Emma was so incredibly chatty today. She has gradually been stepping up her conversations with us, and today she decided to really discuss life with us. She has started reaching for things in the last two days, and she LOVES her fists. Then, to top it all off, she has started smiling more frequently. My mom and Mama Jan brought Emma to see me at work today, and Emma hadn't smiled at them all morning. My sweet baby saw me and gave me three or four gleaming smiles. Now that'll make your day. Here's a video my mom took of Emma talking to Mama Jan. Three things: (1) Comment and tell me what you think is happening at the beginning of this video when Emma shivers/shimmies; (2) Emma might make even more noise if she would take that fist out of her mouth! and (3) She hasn't been around our dog that much, but she's picked up on how to howl.


  1. Hi Mary Beth! I think it's just excitement, and she is expressing herself well for her age.
    The reflux meds are all different, and you have to keep trying them until you find one that works. I've tried them all and think Prevacid is excellent, although none of them work all the time. Thanks for keeping us all involved with sweet Emma.

  2. She is her mama's girl - she's got a lot to say! Just wait a few more weeks when she figures out that she can take those things she's batting at and put them in her mouth! It'll give her fists a break ;). xo abbey

  3. This video is priceless. She is trying her best to talk to Mama Jan and I love the way Emma clears her throat. She is really expressing her vocal chords well at her age.
    Thanks for the updates, I can't wait to read them.

  4. My daughter, Lane, also has trouble with reflux. Started with Zantac and had to switch to Prevacid as well as Nutramigen formula. And even on Prevacid, it seems like she still spits up just as much and screams just as loud! Hope it will give Emma some relief!
    Oh, and don't you love when they start cooing?! I just know that when they start actally talking, they will have LOTS to say!

  5. I don't know for sure, but when I see a baby give a little shiver I usually check the diaper for a tinkle!

    I love you!

  6. Mb, I think the shiver might be a stinkie! She is a chatty Cathy. I lvoe all the sounds she is making. Love Holly

  7. It's so fun that she's "talking"!

    Finn is being treated for reflux, also. He's on Zantac, and like you, I'm not sure it does much good. You mentioned you aren't sure it's reflux since Emma isn't in any discomfort; Finn is the same way - he's a happy spitter. Unless it's an unusually bad episode, he just spits up and then goes on his merry way. So, maybe that's how it will be with Emma. It's much better than him spitting up AND being uncomfortable. If you go to the link, you'll see a picture from last month in all his spit-up glory. All I can say is thank the Lord for happy spitters! :)

  8. MB - Emma is darling! I love reading your blog and keeping up with her as she grows. She may be a spitter-upper but judging by her roly-poly arms, it's not affecting her nutritional intake! Both Abbey's spit up (projectile included), it's a nuisance but they eventually out-grew it. Praying Emma will too, and more quickly! Andy wore bibs 24/7 until he was 2! Blessings to you all.
