Friday, February 27, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

At least on the blog it is.  Here are some shots of the girls at Christmastime.  Reese's first Christmas was relatively calm - she was really good about not trying to pull ornaments off the tree, but I think that was more of a product of her age than her curiosity.  If we had a Christmas tree now, at 11 months of age, it would be disastrous.

Emma put the first ornament on the tree, and it was, of course, an Elsa ornament.

Most attempts at a picture of the two of them end up like these:

My sweet nail lady gave Emma a very, very special manicure for Christmas.  It was amazing for 2 reasons: one, it was complimentary.  Two, it was incredible to watch the works of art appear on Emma's tiny little nails.

Emma had a preschool choir program at church, and she only wanted to sit down at the front...not get in her wheelchair.  She doesn't like to be in front of crowds, and she especially doesn't like to be the subject of laughter.  And no preschool choir program would be complete without some light chuckles from the audience...which means there was a meltdown from Emma, and she had to be rescued halfway through the performance.

Most you moms know what I'm talking about when I say that kids get excited over the simplest things...such as Disney princess tissues.  Really?  Kleenex?  That's all it takes?

As I said before, Christmas was pretty uneventful for Reese.  She did enjoy our Little People Christmas house and people, mainly because they were the perfect size for teething and mistaking for a binky.

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