Tuesday, February 3, 2015

All these milestones

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm not sure if anyone really reads our blog anymore.  If not, I don't blame them - who keeps up with a blog that is practically non-existent these days?  So there are plenty of milestones that need to be recorded here to ensure that our memories are still in tact and in one place.

What about all these holidays I seem to have missed?  Halloween...a wonderful family at our church made Emma an ice carriage to go along with her Elsa outfit.  And who would Elsa be without Olaf?  I'm proud to say that I made the Olaf costume myself, thank you very much!  Oh, except for the hat.  I definitely did NOT make the hat.

Getting close to the finished product!

 Emma's amazing teacher, Miss Oates:

With a flash on Halloween night:

No flash on Halloween night - this is exactly what Emma looked like going down the road...this glowing blue carriage, and it. was. awesome.

Reese and her little buddy, Julia, who is only 9 days older than her.

And please check out Julia's hilarious family Halloween costume:

Julia's mommy is from Louisiana, so they of course were a couple Cajun chefs and a crawfish for their first Halloween as a family of 3.

Julia and Reese have become little buddies at church, and they came to a football game with us.  Adorbs.

Nom, nom, your hair is so tasty, nom nom nom.

And what would a football game be without Emma and her bestie, Mason?

Reese's granny smile is perfectly captured here:

Emma rode on her first plane last August when we went to Philadelphia for a wedding, and she had the time of her life on the plane, in the hotel room, and on the trip in general.

Independence Hall:

Looking at the map to determine where to go next - she LOVED holding the map and really thought she was reading it:

Now this was kinda crazy - the 2014 National Veterans Wheelchair Games were held in Philadelphia while we were there.  They do some insane things in wheelchairs!  So many people in the city stopped us and told us to come check it out.  There's basketball, rugby, softball, billiards, all kinds of stuff.  The picture below is an obstacle course.

Vacation is exhausting:

All dolled up on the way to the wedding:

Reese got in the pool for the first time this summer, and she was kind of impartial.

Emma, however, has lost a good bit of the caution she used to exercise in the water, thanks to her swimming lessons and aquatic therapy.  This scares me half to death.

Well now I've gone down a rabbit hole.  I'll get back to Reese and Emma's milestones and the Christmas holidays in the next post - coming up soon, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see a post from you. I often wonder how you all are. Emma has got so big. And that huge smile she reminds me so much of my Shaun when he was Emma's age :). Looking forward to the next update.
