Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One month...a little late

We're back.  Reese is napping, and I'm taking a minute to blog.  Phew.  Time sure has flown by, and I'm behind on everything - blogging, thank-you-note-writing, birth-announcement-addressing, exercising (Ha. Priorities.)

Reese, however, is not behind - at her one-month checkup, she was 8 lbs, 5.5 oz and 21 inches long.  She is in the 74th percentile for her height and 20-something percentile for her weight.  At 6 weeks, she is STILL wearing newborn diapers and preemie pants, but she is definitely growing.  She started sleeping through the night at 5 and a half weeks old...fluke?  Maybe...but it's been 8 nights in a row, with the exception of one.

Here are the obligatory one-month shots, including one when Lola got jealous and Reese's facial expression seems to say, "Figures.  The dog needs attention, as always."

For certain bottles, Reese is incredibly active afterwards - arms and legs flailing constantly.  She loves to be on her back for those little intervals and gets pretty mad when she's held or restrained.  If this happens at a restaurant, we put her on her memory foam changing pad on the table and let her go to town.  Don't judge.  You don't know.  Notice the blur in this photo?  Because she won't sit still:

And other times, she's completely milk drunk.  Comatose, even.

And burping her when she's like this?  Forget it.  Sometimes it makes feeding her take FOR. EV. ER.

My mom was really great about saving some of the special things from my childhood, and this is one of them - the gown I wore home from the hospital.  Reese is almost too long for it, so I'm glad she was able to wear it a few times.

That last picture above was the first smile I've gotten on camera.  Reese started smiling around 5 weeks, and she's still not super generous with them, but we get about one a day.  I also got her first bath on camera.  It wasn't a happy time, but I managed to get a few shots before the real screams started.

Like most babies, Reese has a witching hour.  It's later than most babies, around 7:00 or so.  Some nights are agonizing for all of us, including Emma.

Speaking of Emma, she isn't crazy about touching Reese.  I think she's scared to hold her or touch her.  But she does NOT like it when Reese is upset.  Emma will talk to Reese when she thinks we're not listening.  Things like, "Close your eyes and take a nap.  Just take a nap.  It's the rules."  Yep.  It's the rules.  I have no idea where that came from.  She brings Reese toys - Reese's toys, NOT Emma's toys, and Emma thinks that Reese prefers the purple binkies over the pink ones.  Emma has pink binkies for when she wants to sleep in the car...Emma is so particular.  Pink is for Emma, purple is for Reese.  Reese has her own toys, Emma has her own toys.  Sharing might be an issue in our house.

That's a good little summary of where we stand with Reese.  Next post - Emma!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering only yesterday how you all were. Reece is lovely :)
