Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy Holidays

I'm a firm believer in saying Merry Christmas.  Happy Holidays is a lame copout for anyone who doesn't want to celebrate the real reason we have CHRISTmas.  Anyone who doesn't believe in Christ and is offended by the greeting, "Merry Christmas," shouldn't be allowed to have a Christmas tree, Christmas lights, or give their kids presents.  Sorry to be so harsh, but I think it's pretty harsh to our Lord to pick and choose to celebrate the parts of HIS holiday that don't actually involve HIM.  I mean, I don't go around celebrating Kwanzaa or Hanukkah.  I think it would be great fun to light candles on a menorah for eight nights and give gifts every day.  But it would also be incredibly disrespectful to members of the Jewish faith and horribly offensive to the Christ in whom I believe.  But Christmas?  Sure, go ahead and disrespect Christ by celebrating HIS holiday when you don't actually believe in HIM.

I really shouldn't get my blood pressure so high right before bedtime.  My point in that rant started out to be a disclaimer for the title - I have a few pictures from Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, so I combined them into Happy Holidays.  Maybe I should have just titled the blog post, "Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas" and saved all of us the time of writing/reading that paragraph.

In these pictures of Emma's preschool church choir production, she just looks like she's saying, "Holidays."  Not happy, but not sad, which I will settle for since she has a little bit of anxiety about being the center of attention - whether it's 3 people or 300 people, doesn't matter.  She needs to be one on one for her personality to really come through.  And I hope that you each get that opportunity one day because she's pretty funny.  As you can see in these pictures, her main concern was the little boy next to her who kept putting his hands on her wheelchair.  She loves to watch other kids, and again - that's long as you're not crying at the front of the church.

She was much happier at Thanksgiving when her cousins were around to entertain her and take pictures with her.

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