Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So it begins...

I came home one day and everything looked completely normal at the front of the house...so I'm thinking, no equipment, no debris in sight, they must not have started today.  And then I walk out the back door to find this:

And then this was propped up in the yard...not sure what it was until I realized that it looked like all that sidewalk scaffolding that you continuously encounter in Manhattan.  Our construction pales in comparison to the renovation of a skyscraper, but it's plenty of excitement for me!

Emma said, "The back of your house is a mess!"  She enjoyed looking at all the rubble, and I have a feeling that when we happen to be home during the construction, they will see a little face with blond hair plastered against the sliding glass door watching.  Oh, and there will be a furry little gray face next to her, barking up a storm. 

So that was Day 1.  Day 2 looked like this:

(Notice that my beloved dogwood is still in the picture below.)

And Day 3:

A toilet.  In front of our house.  And that's all for Day 3.  But it's enough...because it's a toilet in front of our house.  On one of the main roads in our neighborhood - hilarious!

Day 4:

I know it doesn't look like much, but A LOT of work and coordination has gone into moving the fuel lines and the gas meter under/behind our house.  More on that on Day 5...

That's not even our yard that they're digging in to move the gas meter.  I hope the neighbors don't hate us after all this...anyway, while Piedmont Natural Gas spent hours and hours and hours moving our gas lines, the framers dug some trenches:

(And now notice that the dogwood is gone...sniff, sniff)

And Day 6, poured footings and passed the city inspection:

So that's what's been going on with our house.  Very exciting and very fast-moving!  Emma loves seeing what is new each day.  As for what's going on with her, her right foot and right leg are turning in, but it's a little more complicated than it sounds.  Some orthopedic surgery might be in her future, but we'll find out more on that later in May.

And for the first time ever, I dressed my child in boys' clothing:

Clearly, it's not the polo shirt with piped sleeves and ruffled collar or the polka dotted pink skirt, but it's the socks.  I'm sick and tired of everyone assuming that girls only wear pink.  We have socks (and only one kind will do for her AFO's) in 5 million shades of pink, and I finally got fed up and went on a hunt for vibrant socks...and wound up in the little boys department.  Fine.  I'm not afraid.  And look how much cuter Emma is for it.  I can't decide if she looks like a soccer player, a softball player, or a golfer in this getup with the eccentrically bright socks.

We have been enjoying the heck out of the beautiful spring weather lately, and I've been amazed (once again) at the beauty God has blessed us with in our yard...not to mention the fact that no maintenance is required on my part to produce this beauty.  Another blessing!

As many of you know, pleasant springtime weather in Greenville is hard to come by, so you have to take advantage of it...so we braved the zoo last Saturday, along with about 30,000 other people.

So back to my dogwood tree...here's the tragedy I came home to on Day 5:

The only thing that prevented the tears was the surprise you see peeking out of the lower left-hand corner of that same picture...here's a better shot of them:

We got flocked.  By Relay for Life, basically.  Great fundraising idea and a really great addition to the port-a-john and dumpster in our front yard.  The flock was only here for 24 hours, but they were greatly admired while they were here.

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