Saturday, January 14, 2012

Best Friends

Ok, well, maybe not BEST friends.  But they're getting there.  Lola and Emma are really enjoying each other's company more and more.  And Lola is super sweet to Emma.  Lola enjoys placing her toys on Emma's lap so that Emma can throw them.  Lola then takes the 2 steps' distance to retrieve the toys that Emma has done her best to throw a long way and places them in Emma's lap again.  I personally think this is really sweet of Lola because typically, the farther you throw a toy, the more she loves it.  Her little doggie mind knows to humor Emma, though.

The next big moment that Lola and Emma shared was feeding time.  We just leave Lola's dog food in her bowl all the time, but she only eats twice a day probably.  One of these times just happened to fall when Emma thought the dog food bowl looked particularly interesting.  Emma helped her eat (and tried to sample some herself), but she eventually got tired of it, hugged Lola, and went on her merry way.  This video is a little long (3 minutes), so either don't watch it or have a seat.


  1. I love how she shakes her head no before she tries to put the food in her mouth like she is telling herself no but doing it anyway.

  2. Cutest video ever! And that's saying a lot because pretty much all of Emma's videos are adorable! :-)

  3. Love it love it love it!! Thanks for posting that. It's like she's telling you, "See how I know I am not supposed to put it in my mouth, Mom? See how good I am at getting it soooooo close to my mouth and freaking you out??" :) Thanks for sharing, Mary Beth! I love her videos!

