Saturday, June 4, 2011

Who needs a routine?

I both love and hate routines, for the reasons you'd probably expect.  As an uptight accountant, I need order, structure, sequence, accomplishment, lists, and items checked off those lists.  (This is why I hate laundry:  you finish a load, check.  And within hours you're no longer finished with the laundry; it has started all over with the first dirty sock.  But I digress...)  But as a person who also loves spontaneity (within reason), I need a shakeup - a routine gets old, boring, tired, lifeless.  Boy, did we detour off the beaten path this week.  I'll pick up from the last blog entry about the first MAJOR detour, Emma's MRI.  And the week only got more interesting.

Detour #1: Emma woke up coughing, hacking, sniffling, and choking on Thursday morning.  I stayed home from work for the morning and took her to the doctor, where we found out that she had an ear infection (first one!), in addition to some major teething, congestion from a cold or sinus infection and a sore scratchy throat from the breathing tube.  The doctor said that once Emma got some Children's Advil and her antibiotic, she'd start acting like herself again.  I don't know what she was talking about because was in a fantastic mood all day.

Detour #2: For about the last week, Emma hasn't been sleeping well with her BiPAP mask.  It has a pressure point pad on her forehead that has left a knot that won't go away.  We thought it probably hurt her, but you can't loosen the mask because air leaks out.  So we got a new mask on Wednesday.  Disaster.  More sleepless nights, more crying.  Emma's doctor on Thursday said that the air blowing through her nose probably hurts her infected ear.

Detour #3: Since Russell and Emma were both now sick, I slept on the couch Thursday night, hoping to get a little more sleep.  Wrong.  The sound of a crying baby in the night travels faster than the speed of light and louder than a sonic boom.

Detour #4: I worked until 6:30 Friday night, trying to get something accomplished since I was out more than I worked this week.  This was the first of 11 weeks working 4 long days and off one day.  I used to enjoy these summer hours, but I learned last summer that this schedule is not conducive to being a mommy.

Detour #5: Emma started acting like she felt bad on Friday - no whining or fussing (blessing!) but just lethargic.  That has carried forward to this morning.

Detour #6: Emma hasn't been able to get baby food down without choking and spitting up mucus.  Until FRIDAY NIGHT!  Emma has started feeding herself very well, and whenever she sees someone eating and feels like trying it out herself, she puts her hands together in sign language to signify "more."  Not quite the correct sign to indicate she wants to start eating, but we know what it means, as does she - and that's what matters.  So she crawled up to Russell Friday night as he was eating some toast, and did the sign for "more." She cried until Russell could get another piece toasted for her, and then she devoured some toast like she had been eating normally all week.  This morning she did really well with her baby food.

Detour #7: Emma slept with her new mask on like a champ last night.  Sort of.  She didn't cry, at least.  She woke up at 2:00 am trying to get comfortable and tossed and turned for an hour without crying even one little tear.  We turned the light on and realized that she couldn't breathe because her nose was congested, but she also had a throat and mouth full of saliva and mucus.  Poor little girl.  We took the mask off and let her sleep without it once we got her all cleaned up and suctioned out.  Emma went right back to sleep, and we all slept until 7:00.  So. thankful.

Emma still isn't feeling great today, and we thought she had been fighting sleep all morning.  Fighting sleep is nothing out of the ordinary, but she's actually TRYING to go to sleep, but something just isn't letting her.  We're not quite sure what's bothering her, but we hope she'll get a restful nap soon because we're taking her out to eat tonight.  Despite all her illnesses and issues, she still manages a beautiful little smile, complete with bed head and some baby food smears on her lips.  Bless her, her eyes even look tired.

It's been a while since I've posted the links to last year.  Here's what I've missed:

It hurts my heart to look back at where we were this time last year, but I just have to look forward.  Looking back on all that Emma has been through is no way to go through life.  God truly has blessed us this far, and I have to trust that He will continue to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is awesome that Emma is eating adult food. I sooooo wish Landen would eat just 1 thing adult! Until then, we will continue on the baby cereal and pears/peaches. Way to go Emma!!!!
    I am glad she is doing so well!
