Monday, June 20, 2011

A water baby

Before I move on, here's a bit from last year:

June 21, 2010

Russell loves all water - the pool, the lake, waterparks, the beach...well, the ocean at least.  He's not so crazy about all the sand getting all over everything.  Let's just say, like father, like daughter.  When we took Emma to the beach for spring break, she did NOT like the sand on her hands.  Not.  At.  All.  Emma has now also been to the pool 4 times: twice at the beach, twice at Nan and Granddad's neighborhood pool.  She has enjoyed it all 4 times and is getting more and more comfortable with splashing in the pool and splashing in her bath.  With every bath, she gets a little more adventurous with the water.  She doesn't mind getting it in her eyes or on her face.  Then the training wheels came off while getting a bath at Nan and Granddad's after going to the pool on Sunday afternoon - she went buck wild.  Another one of my mommy warnings: this could be boring to some of you.  I think it's cute, and it's my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Gower pool better watch out - sweet Emma will be making waves there soon! Thanks for sharing the sweet video. These are treasured memories! Virginia
