Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our poor little sick one

I mentioned on my last post that Emma had the beginnings of a cold and that it wasn't bad yet. How quickly that changed. I stayed home from work on Wednesday to take care of her and take her to the doctor. The doctor confirmed that it's just a cold and that there are no signs of infection anywhere. That's really important because a bad infection could really harm my mom, who has severe asthma. So Emma had a few bad nights of trying to sleep, but bless her heart, she just couldn't breathe. Having her binky in her mouth is what really puts her to sleep, but she couldn't breathe through her nose, so she'd spit the binky out, and then she'd cry, and we'd put the binky back on...and you can see how this vicious cycle can last for hours at night. All in all, though, Emma really did the best you could expect. She was in a great mood during the day all week, even though she had some of the worst choking/coughing fits I've ever heard. She just never could catch her breath and would choke continuously for 5 to 10 minutes.

Today we could tell a big difference in Emma's cold recovery - she didn't choke nearly as much. We had such a nice, relaxing Sunday, and I couldn't have asked for a better day with my family!

Emma has been REALLY into trying to sit up. The problem is that her trunk control isn't the best because her head is technically still pretty big for her age. So you still have to semi-support her and make sure she doesn't just tip over. And sometimes she gets FURIOUS if she can't sit up exactly how she wants to. A slight recline isn't good enough. So one night this week she helped me fold laundry - she got to sit up AND play in the clothes.

PS - Buy our house!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hate to hear her cold got worse. Poor baby. I am miserable when I can not breathe and I don't have a binky in my mouth! I am praying she gets better SOON!!!!! If we can do anything, let us know! Lots of love! Holly
