Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What a summer it's been

I know, I know, I haven’t blogged lately. This summer is killing me. Killing me. I work long 10-hour days Monday through Thursday, and I come home to a fussy baby who goes to sleep shortly after I get home. I definitely do not get the best of Emma each day. My Fridays off are crammed with appointments, phone calls, and paperwork to get Emma's special little life off on the right foot. Long workdays don’t leave me much time with Emma, and they certainly don’t leave me with much time for anything else…like blogging! But I'm finally able to make time for all of you who love our sweet baby so much. Thank you for caring about her so much.

Last week wasn’t a great week for Emma. She had a lot of trouble breathing…her stridor was louder, she was congested, she choked more, and she stopped breathing every single day but Monday. We think she had some sinus drainage. Doctors have told us she’s too young to have sinuses…I don’t know what they mean EXACTLY by that statement, but she has all the nasal canals, so I think they can get congested. We think a lot of the choking was from this drainage. Her temper really got away from her last week and caused her stop breathing when she started that angry crying.

Emma didn’t have any doctor’s appointments last week. Russell’s parents, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, aunt, uncle, and cousins all went to the beach this week. This is the first time Russell and I haven’t gone with them since before we were married, but we were just apprehensive about taking Emma away from her doctors. So my mom had Emma by herself all week last week, and she loved it. I think my mom slept all weekend in recovery, but she still loved that time with Emma.

Lola is getting better and better with having Emma around, but she’s still pretty attention-hungry. Her Aunt Magee came to visit...Russell and I have always suspected that Lola loves Magee more than us. Lola gave us a bad name and made it look like we haven’t loved her at all:

Lola was very, very sick this weekend. I won’t go into the gory details, but Russell and I only slept for 5 hours Friday night…and it wasn’t because of the 4-month-old baby. Emma had a great weekend, though. She napped a lot, slept for 10 to 11 hours each night, and snuggled with her dad. One thing I'm going to nip in the bud, though, is watching NASCAR with Daddy. My daughter will NOT be a NASCAR fan. You mark my words.

One fun development is that a photographer came through the hospital and took some pictures back in May. She mailed me the discs with a few of the pictures on it. Here are a few of my favorites:

Sleeping in our pastor Stephen's arms...bonding as usual

Snuggling with Nan and Granddad

Being adored by Mama Jane and Granddaddy

Yesterday my mom and Mary Jane took Emma for her 4-month well-child visit. She got some shots and took them like a champ. And she’s also returned to the days of being short and fat. She weighs 15 lbs, 12 oz (85th percentile) and is 24.25 in. long (40th percentile). I know the numbers don’t lie, but does 15 lbs, 12 oz sound like the 85th percentile to you?? I just don’t think it’s THAT heavy for a 4-month-old child. Anyway, it was time for her to eat right as the appointment was over, so they ended up feeding her in the waiting room. Our cute little girl in her beautiful dress with a petite bow in her hair belched like a man and got a laugh out of the other families in the waiting room, as well as from the front office staff. Nice, Emma.

Emma has felt absolutely horrible tonight. I'd like to say that it's the shots and she'll be better tomorrow...but we're pretty sure it's gas. Poor baby. The pain and crying is making it harder for her to breathe, too, I think. And she's so tired...she just wants to go to sleep. She's been throwing up the past two days when she chokes after her bottles, too. So far it's another bad week for poor Emma.

Lastly, Emma has had a problem with the sun getting in her eyes, which is really unfortunate since she likes to be in the car and in her stroller so much. The shades on the car windows can only block so much. Enter Baby Banz sunglasses.

Side note: when Emma sits in her car seat, it pushes her head forward a little, so all her face and neck fat pushes forward; thus, the HUGE double chin, chipmunk cheeks, and pooched-out, pouty lips.


  1. Praying that Emma will have a better week with her breathing and tummy. Also love the pictures, they are so sweet. I especially love the last one with the sunglasses, it's priceless!!!

  2. So glad to hear from you! Praying for better week for Emma and then end of summer crazy hours soon! Virginia

  3. Love Love Love the sunglasses picture!! Baby bands are the greatest. Praying for a better week of breathing and eating. Hope you feel rested.
    Abby wanted me to tell you that she like the sunglasses picture too.

  4. Um, whats wrong with being a NASCAR fan? Does Emma need some NASCAR attire? I will have to work on that!

  5. I am so glad to hear from you! I know you are very busy, but I have so missed hearing about all of you! I love all the pictures, she is such a baby doll! I agree, I would stop that NAscar watching quickly before it gets out of hand! :)
    I pray she gets better with her eating and breathing. Let us know if you need anything. Love Holly

  6. Relieved to hear she won't be a NASCAR fan because seriously, there are enough of them already. Living this close to Daytona, I know what I'm talking about. Its much more important that you teach her things like matching her sunglasses to her hairbows. Good to hear from you. Hope you get some rest and Emma feels better. LOVE!

  7. I LOVE the pictures -- she is just too cute! Hope the second half of the week is better for Emma. Still keeping you all in our prayers! -Kathryn Brooks

  8. Glad to hear from you! Loved all the pics!!

  9. Great pics, Mary Beth. She is adorable. I hope that you all get much needed rest this weekend!
