Sunday, July 11, 2010

Finally, a little self-expression

Hey, friends! This is Emma. Mommy FINALLY let me blog for myself. She's spent all these months blogging about me but has never let me blog on my own.

I've had a great weekend. Mommy stayed with me all day Friday because she doesn't have to work on Fridays in the summer. I had a few visitors, and then I ran some errands with Mommy and her best friend and my unofficial aunt, Holly. We went to Target, and I loved riding around in the cart. Mommy was surprised at how quiet I was. I usually breathe VERY loudly, and people stare at me...Mommy and Daddy think they stare because I like to breathe so loudly, but I think it's because I'm so beautiful.

On Saturday I let Mommy and Daddy sleep until 7:45, and I had a great morning. I talked to Daddy and hit him in the face a lot.

I had a bath, which I really enjoy.

Then Mommy washed my hair the way Dawn, my NICU nurse, taught her. I LOVE to have my hair washed.

And finally I took a nice little nap in my swing in my bathrobe.

In the afternoon, I started feeling kinda bad. I've been very cranky this weekend because I've had a lot of gas. I used to get embarrassed at how much Mommy talks about it on this blog, but now I just own it...I even poot around visitors and strangers now. Daddy's not a great influence, either..hehe. I wanted to nap on Saturday, but I just couldn't miss anything. Pretty much everyone who knew her tells me that I'm just like my great-grandma, Mama Dot. Dot was nosy and didn't like to miss anything - that's why I don't like to nap! I'm really afraid I'm going to miss something exciting! So not being able to nap and being gassy makes me cranky later in the day. Mommy and Daddy have some friends from church, Rob and Holly and Dan and Joyce, who love our family very much. They've been praying for me for a very long time. We all went to Rob and Holly's house to eat dinner Saturday night. I just wish that I had felt better when I was there. I got pretty fussy, but everybody passed me around on a pillow on their laps, and that made my tummy feel much better. I got very spoiled to sleeping on pillows in the NICU. After I got my last bottle of the day, I felt GREAT, and Joyce held me in her lap during dinner. I talked to her a little, but no one could quite understand what I was saying. I type much better than I speak. Anyway, I finally fell asleep for good on the pillow and snoozed the night away.

After we left, I went straight to spend the night at my Granddad and Nan's house. What fun that was! I slept great and had a great morning. Nan took me to visit her Sunday School class, and they LOVED me. I felt like I had bunches and bunches of grandmothers! Then around noon on Sunday I was playing with Nan and talking to her a lot when I suddenly stopped breathing. Nan tells me it was very scary and upsetting, but after a couple minutes I started breathing again. But phew, it was exhausting. I could barely muster up the energy to eat, and then I just didn't feel good until Daddy put me on my tummy on his lap. After that, I slept for 2 and a half hours, which is very unusual for me. I slept on Daddy's lap and then in the car as Mommy and Daddy ran lots of errands. When I woke up, I ate and talked to Mommy for a while, but then my tummy started to hurt again. I just finished eating my last bottle, and I'll be going to bed soon. Here's a quick picture of me looking at my outstretched hand, which is fascinating me here lately.


  1. Thanks for the great videos of your weekend! Even the ordinary stuff is fun! Thank goodness for sleeping late and long summer naps! Hope to see you all soon. Virginia

  2. Loved tonight's blog! I am so happy Emma is doing well.

  3. Emma, I am so glad you are blogging! I love your videos, especially the bath. I am with you, I love my baths, they make me very happy. we loved having you to our home and passing you around, I thought you were very good! I love you bunches! Holly

  4. So enjoyed hearing Emma talk for herself- and the wonderful videos. Especially liked the swing!! She looked so relaxed.

  5. Mary Beth,

    I loved seeing Emma's videos. She is so sweet. Thinking of you guys often!!

    Heather Nichols Burton
