Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The big one

The big ONE.  For Elsie, our precious Goddaughter.

What first birthday is complete without a hysterically crying baby?

Oh sure, here's some cake, Tess.

Her first baby doll.  Little girls are AWESOME.

The doll clothes have to come off immediately, especially the hat.  Yep, just your average little girl here.

Ta-da!  Look at me!  Spirit hands!

Come on girls, just give us one good shot.

Elsie: Emma, what interesting boots you have on.
Emma:  Thanks, but I think they're trying to burn holes in our retinas with this incessant picture-taking.  Just don't look directly at the camera.

Elsie: No, I don't see anything in your eye....
Emma: Shhh.  I'm faking.  Maybe they'll give up.

Elsie: I'm bored.  Are we done yet?  I'm taking your advice and not looking at the camera.  But wouldn't it be faster to just take one good picture and be done?
Emma: Elsie, I told you, DON'T LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERA!  As someone older, wiser, and able to talk with my hands, just trust me.

Emma:  See, they're about to give up.  I can taste the freedom.  Look how close I am to sliding off the couch...
Elsie:  Does freedom taste like that cupcake?  If it does - peace.  I'm out.  I wonder if Tess left me any under the table....

Monday, December 17, 2012

My very favorite time of year

Although it's Emma's third Christmas, it is the first Christmas that she understands a little bit about what is going on.  She knows who Baby Jesus is in a nativity scene.  The theory behind our Elf on the Shelf, Barbara, is still a little advanced for her.  However, Emma totally understands the Christmas tree.

We have an Advent calendar that Emma has thoroughly enjoyed making.  Gluing on Santa's beard is thrilling!  Cotton balls and glue, people.  It's magic.

Emma has her very own special Christmas decorations in her room that used to be mine.

This Playmobil set wasn't mine, but I wish it had been.  I would have loved playing with it, as I'm sure Emma will.  In fact, she already enjoys playing with Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  We're trying to get her to leave the rest of it alone until she's older...lest the stable come a-tumblin' down!

"Wook at da wight!"  (There's a little lantern that glows when you press the button, and it's on a timer - you don't even have to worry about the battery running down.)

Christmas is a crazy time of year for everyone, and our little family is no exception.  But I'm ok with going to bed with our den looking like this:
because instead of cleaning up, we got to play with and hold Emma like this:

So do yourself a favor tonight: don't clean up your den, and leave the dishes in the sink.  Instead, glue some cotton balls on Santa's beard or play with Jesus, Joseph, and Mary with your child, grandchild, niece, nephew....or any little child for that matter.  There are a lot of people in Connecticut who would trade a clean den floor, an empty sink, wrapped presents, and folded laundry for just one more day with their beloved children.

In so many ways...

....Emma is much stronger than she realizes.  If she only knew how strong she was when she didn't even know how to WILL herself to be strong.  Which means SHE'S not means that her Maker is strong.

But Emma does now know how to show us her physical strength.  She works out.  I don't mean at therapy, I mean at Nan's house.  With one-pound weights.

By the way, those skeleton pajamas glow in the dark.  If I was a tad more creative on the fly, I would have filmed this in the dark so that all you could see was bones flexing and a tiny, raspy voice saying, "Stroooonnnngg!"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Check it off the list

A visit to Chuck E. Cheese is a parental rite of passage that we can now say we have completed.  It was not the nightmare that most people envision.  Our nephew Mason celebrated his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese, and he was pretty much a blur of birthday excitement the whole time.  Emma enjoyed herself, too, just at a little bit slower pace...

Anndie and Emma wondering why they're spinning and everyone else is standing still.....

Emma knew it was need to watch it go in

Who's having more fun here?

Our precious angel.  In the toddler area, there's a platform and a slide that Emma couldn't get enough of.  Granddaddy and I are still trying to figure out how to get one of these in our back yard...

Friday, December 14, 2012


I know I haven't updated the blog in quite a while, and I do have a lot to update you on....but my priority today is to tell all of you to look at your loved ones, especially your children, and love them to pieces.  Look at God's creation in front of you and hug them and TELL them how much you love them.

May God bring peace and healing to the families of those who lost loved ones in Connecticut.