Thursday, April 26, 2012

A picture is worth a lot of missing blog posts

I realize I haven't posted since sometime in early April.  And I don't regret it at all.  Our lives have been crazy busy with a lot of the good stuff that life is made of...and some of the very, very bad.

Here are pictures of some of the good...and I'll fill in with words when necessary.

Playing outside

Attending Elsie's dedication

Celebrating Easter

Experiencing a new form of technology at Buffalo Wild Wings

Falling asleep on loving friends

Emma is constantly learning new words (hurry and Bible in adult-speak, HUH-wee and BUY-boh in baby-speak).  Oh, let me add that we did not actually teach Emma the difference between a Bible and regular old book.  So when she said BUY-boh the first time, we tested her.  She passed.  Somehow that child can identify a Bible as different from any other book, even when those books have dark covers like most Bibles do.  Our little child of God.

Emma is repeating everything, too.  She's our very own little parrot, and it's hilarious.  The best is when she says to herself, "Thank you you're welcome.  Thank you you're welcome.  Thank you you're welcome.  Thank you you're welcome."  Just like Gary Oldman on Friends when he played Joey's drunk co-star.  I'm so proud of Emma for her first Friends quote...and she made it a good one.  She has begun to call more people by name.  I think one of the cutest ones is Holly, and she gets to practice with two Holly's.  Except it's pronounced Hah-wee.
Emma has also had a yard sale, gone out to eat with and visited friends, swung in our new swings, taken walks, read books, struggled with a cold, spent a lot of time with one of her very favorite people, "Gee" (Magee), tested Mommy and Daddy's limits, thrown tantrums, had tea parties with Nan, taken a total of about 300 steps in the walker at the last 3 therapy sessions, fed herself with utensils, learned to say words that sound like curse words if one of us isn't around to interpret (there are a surprisingly large number of these), gone through a weird, poor-sleeping phase, learned how to count to 10 (but still skips 9), and learned how to identify Donald Duck, Daisy, Minnie, and Mickie on tv.

What a blessed life we live.  I am reminded of that every day by my sweet girl, but I got a fresh reminder, albeit a painful one, by another event that happened two weeks ago today.  My next post will explain what I'm talking about.

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