Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring has sprung!

As is normal, spring in Greenville comes in waves.  Daffodils bloom, only to be subject to a few subsequent 30-degree nighttime lows.  People's allergies go crazy, and everyone swears the pollen wasn't this bad last year (it was always this bad last year, folks).

One particularly beautiful spring day, I decided that I was going outside on a blanket with my babies if it killed me.  So I literally parked the car, changed everyone's diapers and clothes, grabbed a blanket, toys, and waters, and deposited all of us/it outside.

Russell thought we were a little crazy when he drove up and we were on the front yard lying around.  We don't do this type of thing enough because we both work all day, so when our cars hit the driveway, it's usually go, go, go - dinner, baths, lunches, unpack from the day, prep for the next day, laundry, cleaning up the mess left behind that morning.  And there always seems to be an add-on responsibility or two - a party we're attending or hosting, work we're doing for our church, appointments out the wazoo.  These wonderful moments spent in the sun, trees, and grass were much-needed reminders that God provides peace in the middle of our chaos; we must choose to accept it.

Side note: Reese gets a little irritable when she's hungry...who doesn't?  But then once she starts eating, Lord help you if the food runs out.  Which is probably why her little thigh looks like this:

Oh, also, Reese hates the grass.  That put a little dent in my perfect picture of a bird-chirping, nature-loving afternoon, but whatever.  Children's screams are part of nature, too.